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The Story Behind Valentines Day

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Ah yes, the day of love! Or as I call it, Tuesday. But this year the day of love also coincides with Saint Valentines day, what a treat! But I’ll bet your wondering “But Julian?” then I would say “Yes blog reader?” then you would say “How did Saint Valentines day start?” and I would say…. this….

Long ago in a mythical city named “Rome” a young peasant was clearing a patch of shrubbery from behind his fruit stall when he saw the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on. (By today’s standards she would be like a 4, but still back then they didn’t have toothpaste or Oil of Olay)

The peasant asked her for her hand in marriage. She blanched and told a dark story. She was cursed. No man could love her, unless he were a multi-billionaire. This was more a curse of having a crazy father and less witchcraft, but a curse nonetheless. The peasant thought to himself “ How could I, a self proclaimed ‘peasant’, become a multi-billionaire?” He tried to budget for the next few weeks, cutting back on certain luxury items like sandals and water, but only saved a few dollars, far less than the necessary multi of billions needed to marry the woman.

His problem persisted for many months. There seemed to be no possible way for him to become as rich as he needed. He decided to give up. It was the Christmas season so he used all the money he had began to save to buy gifts for his family. After giving the gifts and getting only fake smiles in return, the peasant was disenfranchised with Christmas. He said “I can’t believe I spent all of my money on such a ridiculous made up holiday like Christmas! Those shop owner must be knee deep in coinage with all the people that buy gifts for the holiday season!” Just then the peasant had an idea, he would create a holiday and capitalize on the profits. He created what today we know as Saint Valentines Day.

And if your wondering if he got his lady….

No way! He was loaded! He married a 10 even by today’s standards!


4 Responses to “The Story Behind Valentines Day”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Well done!
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  2. Anonymous Anonymous 
  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Great work! |

  4. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Great work! |

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  • From E-Ville, Canada
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