Four Young Men... Four Young Minds... For Young Ladies...

The return of the Young Guns


It's been nearly a year since our last show...

But this Saturday...

We're back.


It's about to just happen...

Today is the day!


That's right. It all comes together tonight.


Metro Cinema.

Losing Will.

Be there!

Eeek! We're 2 days away!


That's right friends, the moment you have all been waiting for... It's been 18 months of editing, voice work, and re-shoots, fine-tuning and pruning, but it's finally time.

In 2 days.

I don't know about you, but I peed myself. In excitement this time!

Metro Cinema (in the Citadel Theatre)

Friday, Dec. 7th 7PM and 9PM

Saturday, Dec. 8th 7PM

Sunday, Dec. 9th 7PM

The premiere shows on Friday at 7PM is near sell out, so if you want to ensure you are there when history is made, buy your tickets now at Blackbyrd Myoozik on Whyte Ave. Or, e-mail me at (I made that e-mail in grade 8, don't laugh) and I can put you on the reserve list, for any show. For every show!

See you all real soon!

But not in a creepy way...


Losing Will Trailers


Just When You Thought The Blog Was Dead...


...I'm bringing it back!

Still can't figure out how to get the comments to work unfortunately but oh well.

Losing Will the first Young Guns film opens Dec. 7th at 7pm and runs that weekend at the Metro Cinema in the Citadel Theatre.

Exact dates and times?

Friday, Dec. 7th - 7PM (Premiere) and 9PM

Saturday, Dec. 8th - 7PM

Sunday, Dec. 9th - 7PM

Be there. Bring your friends.

Oh... and tickets. You can get those at any RFT show (TheatreSports or CHiMPROV) between now and then, as well as at Blackbyrd Myoozik on Whyte Ave anytime they are open. As well as the day of the show at Metro Cinema.

The Young Guns are back in a big way.

Arlen (and the rest o' the Young Guns)

Is this end of the Young Guns


's blog?

Of course the Young Guns will never die. Not as long as the four of us are alive anyway... If we weren't then I suppose the Young Guns would die, but I'd like to think that something of us would live on. Even if it's just Steven Kent's Kokanee Crankworks commercial. Which I can't get enough of.

But perhaps it is time for the blog to say goodbye. I mean, since something crapped it's pants and left us without the ability to leave comments, we have no idea if anyone reads this anymore. And that disheartening fact has led to the severe lack of posts. Also, it doesn't help that I am currently the only gun in town.

So yeah... I would say if you wanted the blog to remain alive to hear all about Jules' adventures in New Zealand, Arlen's adventures across the Fringe, Steve's adventures in Toronto and my adventures in... umm... physics to leave a comment expressing that interest, but as THAT won't work, I don't know. Send word via carrier pigeon? Oh wait... I forgot they went extinct. Just like the blog apparently.

Thanks for reading... YGs, is this the end?




Here are some pics from LA!

An orange tree!

Hanging with Mike, Valentine McKee, Scott Turner and Clyde the Bartender. Good pals!

The Bates Motel! Creepy!

Hollywood sign!

With a celebrity dog. I don't know which one, but you could tell he was a celebrity because he wouldn't answer my repeated requests for autographs and he was driving a really nice car.

Marc hilariously staring at a bunch of middle aged guys who were protesting outside the Oscars saying that global warming is a lie. We spent some time listening to their stories then were harassed by a homeless guy named Buddy for like 45 minutes who drew stuff on cards for us.

Josh discreetly giving me the finger.

A Wookie! Hollywood Blvd. is covered with these things. This one is threatening two little children with his hairy paws. What a jokester!

At the Oscars! I lost Best Supporting Actor to Alan Arkin, but I won Best Guy.


About me

  • I'm one of four Young Guns
  • From E-Ville, Canada
  • I don't like being told what to do.
  • My profile

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