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Here are some pics from LA!

An orange tree!

Hanging with Mike, Valentine McKee, Scott Turner and Clyde the Bartender. Good pals!

The Bates Motel! Creepy!

Hollywood sign!

With a celebrity dog. I don't know which one, but you could tell he was a celebrity because he wouldn't answer my repeated requests for autographs and he was driving a really nice car.

Marc hilariously staring at a bunch of middle aged guys who were protesting outside the Oscars saying that global warming is a lie. We spent some time listening to their stories then were harassed by a homeless guy named Buddy for like 45 minutes who drew stuff on cards for us.

Josh discreetly giving me the finger.

A Wookie! Hollywood Blvd. is covered with these things. This one is threatening two little children with his hairy paws. What a jokester!

At the Oscars! I lost Best Supporting Actor to Alan Arkin, but I won Best Guy.


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  • I'm one of four Young Guns
  • From E-Ville, Canada
  • I don't like being told what to do.
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