I made it everyone, all the way to New Zealand. I got here with no place to live after 2 weeks, By then I will have overstayed my welcome at the home of some family friends whom I’d never met, but have since become a stand in for my parents. They have gotten me food, driven me around, helped me open a bank account and fed me bottle of wine after bottle of wine from the family vineyard. They have really been fantastic. Tough life, I know. But all these very nice gestures they’ve made and the beautiful surroundings I’ve been in for over a week don’t make life alone much easier.
You see, other than them, I don’t know anyone. It’s been tough not being able to just text or call a few people, hop in my car and be hanging with someone in a matter of a few hours. For instance, I’m writing this on a Saturday night alone. I just made some dinner for myself, watched rugby on TV (40” plasma no less) and I’m now laying in bed at 10 O’clock. I can’t remember the last time I did that. Oh ya, the night before…
I did however find a flat in under a week. I beat out about 30 other people who were also looking at the place. I guess they liked the cut of my jib. I do have really nice jibs. However, I don’t have a bed yet, so that’s the next step to having any sense of home at all here in NZ. In due time I guess.
Sometimes over the past week or so I’d think “What the hell am I doing!?”. I guess I’m just feeling a wee bit home sick, and sometimes that hurts a little. They say time makes all things go away. But it’s time that has taken my tomorrows and turned them into yesterdays.
I stole that line, but I thought it fit.
But forget about what has happened, or what might happen… I need a bed NOW!!
I’ll keep you posted. Thanks for listening friends.
Oh, and here's my view, it's no edmonton river valley but still.
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