Hey everyone (Jules, Arlen and Steve),
It's me again, Joe, and this time it's 3:42 am. What am I still doing awake you ask? I do not know. It could be that the Olympics are on and I really want to see how Becky Scott does in the women's 10Km cross-country ski, or it could be the fact that I have a couple of midterms tomorrow and I'm just not ready for them, and here's the kicker: I have no excuse.
That's right. I am in my last semester of university and am only registered in two classes, I only really need one of them to graduate, and then... I'm done. I receive my $30,000 piece of paper that says I'm a teacher and I go and try and find work in the "real world". So you would think I would really apply myself, ace these last two classes and get the hell out, and yet, I find myself doing the complete opposite. I can't blame some sort of subconscious self-sabotage because I am very conscious of what I am doing, and I do nothing. I am passive in my own destruction.
Alright... I'm being melodramatic, I'm not going to destroy myself, but I am curious as to why, when I have pretty much nothing to do between the hours of 10am and 2:30pm on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, I have not yet done any real studying for either of my midterms. I'm sure you have all already guessed the surprising answer... drumroll... I'm bloody scared.
I have become very well adjusted to the roll of student. Hell, I've been doing it for about 17 1/2 years, or roughly 79% of my whole life. And while I have been a contributing member of our wonderful society through my work at a movie theatre and as a tutor, these have always been part-time. My full time job has been for ever so long now: student. Plus, I like the university. Say whatever you want about the U of A campus, I feel at home there. Sure I might only know 1 out of every 1000 students that I see, but for me home is more than knowing the people you surround yourself with, I guess it is like a feeling. One that I'm not ready to lose. And I'm demonstrating that right now as it is 3:55 am.
Feel free to psychoanalyze, I've already drawn the obvious conclusions of fear of the unknown/unfamiliar/uncomfortable, as well as my favourite: fear of failure.
And yet... I'm reaching for the TV remote... again.
Oh Brian Williams, won't you fill my head with wonderful Olympic stories and make it all go away...
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