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Overheard, yet Underappreciated

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Hey all,

So I came across this website, Overheard in NewYork which consists of things people heard while living out their daily lives in the New York City. Very funny stuff. But as much as i like it, i always wonder what was said after the quotes. So I’ve decided to start a little game in which I will continue the quote until I feel it has reached an adequate conclusion.

So here it goes.

God Help Us All (Happy Easter! ) -Penn Station

Old man #1: Do you know why a bunny is connected to Easter?
Old man #2: No.
Old man #1: It's because Easter is about fertility and rabbits are animals that are always copulating.
Old man #2: Huh, I never heard about that.
Old man #1: Think about it. On Easter, you have the bunnies and the bunnies have eggs and the eggs have children in them.
(Now my part)
Old man #2: Do all eggs have children in them?
Old man #1: Yes, all eggs have children in them. It's a proven fact, i saw it on TLC
Old man #2: Crap, I feel horrible...
Old man #1: Why?
Old man #2: I just ate like 9 Cadbury cream eggs...what have I done... I've killed some children... I'm going to kill myself!
Old man #1: No, don't worry! Cream eggs don't ha...Wait...Kill yourself? Can I have your walking cane it you do?
Old man #2: Yes, I'm a child killer...
Old man #1: Yes you are... yes you are...

What a fun game! Look for more of this sweetness later!
Happy Easter! Kid Killers.


And here is an Easter related picture just to make this post a little colorfull!

4 Responses to “Overheard, yet Underappreciated”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Knock Knock!

    Who's there?


    WAAAA Who?

    WAAA WAAA WAAA WAA Who!!!! Comedy FAAAAAActory!

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    WORD UP!

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    This site, is, freaking, AMAZING. Work never seemed so fun!

  4. Anonymous Anonymous 

    So, for some reason that I forget, we were discussing this very post yesterday, or at least, the "This is why Easter has rabbits" thing, but we couldn't remember where it came from. We knew it was somebody from improv, so I'm assuming that you told it there too at some point. But now I know and remember where it came from.
    What a game.

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  • I'm one of four Young Guns
  • From E-Ville, Canada
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