We Need Something...Something New
Published Wednesday, March 15, 2006 by one of four Young Guns | E-mail this post
I just checked the new CHiMP schedule and it looks like April Fools Day (the 1st) will be a Young Guns show. "Sweet" I said outloud, to which my dad said, "Shut the hell up kid!!" ....No he didn't, I think he made me a sandwich, he's cool like that. Anyway, then I said "What the hell are we going to do!?" 'cause we need something new to stimulate our brains that never stop.
Our first form was the one where the chairs placement edited our scenes, that was a blast. Then we did the personal monologues, also sweet and very well received. So how the hell do we keep this big ball of Young Guns energy rolling?

Well I have one idea, so I'll pitch it...
In the vain of the super popular Mash-up, we blend improv with writing. Sounds crazy, but hear me out. We get a theme, two of us start a scene based on that theme. Meanwhile, one of us is off to the side of the stage where a table and lamp are set up, writing something that is inspired by the scene that's currently taking place. Once that person is done writing (a poem, song lyrics, dialog, essay, mock MSN conversation, etc..) they read what they have to the audience. After which they do a scene with one of the other people based on the writing and the theme, something brand new. The third person is off to the side writing, and the cycle continues. I just love the idea of having a new medium in which to inspire us. And maybe this will help jump start the writing of the Young Guns movie.
So Young Guns? And readers? What do you think? Could we add anything, delete anything? Or maybe you have other ideas?
You do? PITCH IT!
Yo Jules, check this!
Your Aunt Becky and I rocked an improv writing format just like this in Winnipeg. It was a blast, I'm sure you guys will have a good time.
Word 'em up,
I like it, sounds cool, like a typewriter for realsies, and better editing...
I do not see any way that this could go badly, of course unless you all wrote the same style , but really , that would be just as cool....
I'm pumped....
I like how you put up a picture of yourself on all your entries. Just incase we forget who you are.
That idea sounds pretty kickin'. And I think it would work out well, since from the posts in this blog you all have the ability to write...and quite well too!
I'm excited to see it, for realzies....
Your idea sounds brilliant for a number of reasons:
1) The Young Guns can do anything.
2) I can picture the stage in my mind, and the desk to the side with a single lamp seems so dramatic and pleasing.
3)A new medium to work with seems to unleash creativity- which you guys have plenty of.
I am a humble Young Guns fan, with faith that no matter what, the place will be rockin'. Plus, I think it's creepy when people read blogs and never write replies.
Anna just posted the best comment in the history of this blog. Thanks!
Can anyone beat it?!
Try! I dare you!
Check this. We have your laptop off to the side on the table with the desk, that way when we type (a little more 21st century) we can post it on the blog. That way people who liked what we said can check it here, print it and submit it at their school or university as their own work.
Also I think that the person who was just writing should not start the scene. Ex: Characters A and B are doing a scene, C is writing away. When C is done C delivers that C has, character B starts a scene that C would join will A starts working on the lappy. Then A reads, C starts, A joins, and B goes to write.
And the cycle continues.
Joe is bringing to the next level.
I dig.
I like Joe's idea. I have been a bit writer's blocked in English lately, so this would be a great help! I mean like, giving back to the fans and all, you know? You should defo go with that one.
I like Joe's idea. I have been a bit writer's blocked in English lately, so that would be a big help! You know, like giving back to the fans and all. It would make things just that much easier! You should go with that one.
That way your laptop gets some much needed stage time....
And it will flow better...
AND I will finally be able to submit some writing samples to the Engineering Department...
Gawd. Joey you are truly amazing...
Yo, you guys need something new. As in a new post for your blog! It's been way too long young-gunners, you're starting to slip.
How's a man to know what's up with his buddies back home if they don't post?
I'm just saying...
Eric Idle was quoted in the Globe and Mail on Saturday, saying "Improv is for people who can't write or have no memory." If anyone can prove him wrong, it's the Young Guns!!
Great work!
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