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A Scary Realization

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I wish I could write a blog with a less serious tone. But today, I can't do that. So I'm sorry in advance.

Okay... Here it goes

I was thumbing through a magazine at the doctor's office when one page in particular hit me like a ton of anything.

It said, "One in four men have erectile dysfunction"

That's right, mathematically, one of the young guns has E.D. Its a sad truth but a truth no less.

I'm telling you that I will find out which of us is afflicted with this socially debilitating disease by administering random pants-ings. I will go ahead and take my name out of the running due to the fact that I just checked, and "It's all good", like, real good...

So guys, buy a belt...



9 Responses to “A Scary Realization”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    I definitely like this idea. Yep I do.

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Well Jules, if you are going to pants them all, wait until I am around with my camera, ok? Because that is just fun :) I mean, funny. Right?

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Are we taking bets? 1/4, not bad odds

  4. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Okay....not to start any rumours but I was at a urinal next to Steve earlier in the week and I happened to glance over and...okay...get this...his penis was completely flaccid. I on the other hand had a raging erection. Now I don't know if this means Steve has E.D. but it's just something to think about.

  5. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Medically speaking men with high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes are the ones with E.D.
    And looking at the bodies of us four, I'm thinking... Arlen. Arlen you pig, develop some insulin.

  6. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Steve's hot.

    < what? >
    < who said that? >

  7. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Thank you!
    [url=]My homepage[/url] | [url=]Cool site[/url]

  8. Anonymous Anonymous 
  9. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Good design! |

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  • I'm one of four Young Guns
  • From E-Ville, Canada
  • I don't like being told what to do.
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