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The Edmonton winter is certainly taking it's toll on me this year. It seems like nothing can be done to keep my house warm.

There is a new song up by The Corduroys that will warm your heart in this cold weather. It is called Lovesick. Check it out here.


PS: On December 9th The Young Guns will perform at Chimprov.

2 Responses to “Brrrrrr!!!”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Dear YG,

    Word on the street says that Dec9's the last full cast show of Young Guns for the year.
    & Julian Faid is gone to New Zealand for 2007?
    Is that forever?


  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    December 9th will be our last show of 2006. In early January we hope to have a show with good ol' Stephen Kent back with us. Then in February there will be the last Young Guns show for an undetermined amount of time as Julian leaves us. So...likely 3 left....assuming everything works out as planned.

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  • I'm one of four Young Guns
  • From E-Ville, Canada
  • I don't like being told what to do.
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