Four Young Men... Four Young Minds... For Young Ladies...

We Did It!

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We really did it.

What a weekend ladies and gentlemen, with four shows and the Young Guns members heavily involved in all of them we really had to dig deep and push to get through it, but you know, I think everyone gave 110% and it really wasn't any one person's effort we worked as a team, and various other sports cliches.

Anyway... The Young Guns would just like to say THANK YOU to everyone who came out this weekend to support us, we really do appreciate it, because after all, without you there would be no Young Guns. So again, thank you.

So what did you think of the shows? I'm especially interested in the form that was played twice on Saturday: Once in the second half of the Prime Time show and the other in the first half of CHiMPROV. We'd never done it before and we are interested in your opinions. Of course, as always, feel free to comment on anything else Young Gun or improv related.

So that's it. For a while anyway, we'll still be around for TheatreSports and Arlen's got a few Scratches coming up as does Julian have Crazy Names, so watch for those, and of course the return of the Young Guns.

Cause you know we'll be back... And we're bringing Sexy with us.

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  • I'm one of four Young Guns
  • From E-Ville, Canada
  • I don't like being told what to do.
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