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See you in hell candy boys!

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How's it going? A MidSummer Night's Dream and R & J are finished. It was certainly a crazy month and a half doing both shows and now being done I will have a lot more free time on my hands. Methinks it's time to get The Corduroys rocking full time.

I need a good costume for Mark's Halloween party tonight. At Theatresports I went as the World's Tallest Chatroom Perv but now I need something a little less awkward to move in. HMMMMM.

ALSO, check this out! It's a trailer Kevin and I made for Scratch.

This weekend, there are primetime shows of Theatresports. On the Friday primetime show, November 3rd at 8pm, the Young Guns will be performing. Every Young Guns show from now on will be special as we have a limited number of them left. So don't miss it. Or any of them.

In movie news, we sat down a couple weeks ago and decided to wait to release the film until April 2007. We wanted to do before Christmas but it was just going to be too hard to get everything organized. So in April look for Losing Will to premiere!

That's all for now.


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  • I'm one of four Young Guns
  • From E-Ville, Canada
  • I don't like being told what to do.
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