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It's been a while...

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So my fellow guns have been gently reminding me that it has been over a month since I've updated the blog, and this might be true, to be honest I don't have the time to go back through the archives to confirm this or not, and it is this lack of time that is responsible for my lack of blog-updating. Wow, how's that for a run-on sentence? Comma-splice city!

Anyway, as I'm sure the most of you know, we will be losing another member of the Young Guns very soon. Following in the footsteps of the greatest hack of all time, Stephen Kent, Julian Faid is pulling the old "I'm going to New Zealand for school" line and will be leaving quite soon, at least soon in my books anyway. The point is, you don't have many opportunities to see Jules or the Young Guns together as three for very much longer. This is why it is important that you come to CHiMPROV tonight. It isn't a Young Guns show, rather an ensemble one, but you know we'll be there and that our Young Gunness will shine through. But if you can't make it tonight you have NO EXCUSE for next Saturday, Dec. 9th. It COULD be our LAST YG show forever... Most likely it would be our second or third last, but are you willing to take those chances? I didn't think so, that's why you are going to get all your bffs together and call 448-0695 for reservations, cause you don't want to miss CHiMP on the 9th.

Alright, I think this counts as blog update. BTW, anyone who say TheatreSports last night, please comment, I am interested in what you think. We've been trying to shake up the show a bit to make it better, I want to know if you think it is working...



4 Responses to “It's been a while...”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Shaking it up, eh? Yeah, I felt all shook up after last night's TheatreSports. Both halves were very strong, and both issued a healthy dose of competitive spirit. The banter between teams was entertaining, and there was a variety of techniques used to create each scene. For example, the art history book vs the ladder and the opposite teams asking suggestions for eachother. I mean, it can't get more shaken than a scene about St. John the Evangelist. Or can it? :) I think the audience appreciates your continuing efforts to keep it fresh.

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    First half - ouch. Some good moments but continued work needed to strengthen improv skillz.

    Second half - love the new format! Much appreciated! Great talent AND you could tell you guys were having a lot of fun! All around = 2 thumbs up.


  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    I really enjoyed the 1st, seems that when there is a director, it really takes the edge off.

    Second half was fun as well

    All in all I though it was a good show, the most fun I have had at a chimprov for a while!

  4. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Thanks Anna, Thomas and ME for the comments. I had a lot of improv fun this last weekend, but I am looking forward even more to this weekend. Mostly for Saturday. Cause the Young Guns are going to drop it like it's 1999.

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  • I'm one of four Young Guns
  • From E-Ville, Canada
  • I don't like being told what to do.
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