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A Weekend To Remember

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Morning all, It's Sunday and I went to sleep at 7:30am this morning. This lack of sleep is not generally my style, but the last two days were so much fun I figured I should try and make them last as long as possible, even if that meant using up some Sunday. Sorry Sunday.

This was Nose Bowl weekend, the high school improv equivalent to the Super Bowl taking place at the Olympics in the lost city of Atlantis on a leap year. Ya, it's that important. I had been given the task of teaching two teams, one from Wagner and one from Mac. Both good teams, full of nice guys, with similar improv styles. The Style of Funny, as I call it. After some good improv, and even more mediocre improv, (with a sprinkling of bad improv) the teams were weeded down to the top four for a semifinals match up. And of course both the teams I coached had to play eachother.... To the death.... Seriously.
Mac pulled out the win, and went on to win the whole thing, which is great because we need those four guys in theatresports soon.

After all the high school improv dust had settled, it was time for us at Chimprov to kick up some improv dust of our own. Crad and I rocked a two man first half with little to no idea what we were doing at all. But what we pulled out was something I needed so badly, an F'in sweet night of improv. Every scene was good, every scene had substance, every scene had added to the show as a whole. I like to think of doing great improv like I do great sex. It's so good it sustains you. You talk about it and think about it for days and weeks to come. Its like Crad and I had had great sex. Not with eachother. Just at the same time.

As if that orgasmic improv night wasn't enough, we hit the E&C after the show for more chillin' time. After a few sips of beer, I saw some people from the nose bowl from earlier that night. Their names were Jill and Scott. (note: I am using the names Jill and Scott to keep the identities of the actually people, Breanne and Andrew of Archbishop MacDonald High School at 10810 - 142 St., a secret) Turns out it was Jill's 18th birthday and Scott was the only friend she had that was already 18. Needless to say they joined us at the improv peoples table and some birthday shots followed close behind. We shut the bar down and all went over the Crads house for some chillin'... To the extreme. Scotch was had and J's were passed and puffed with the fury of your average cheech and chong movie, for those that smoke the stuff. A few hours later the birthday shots and "okay" scotch caught up to Jill, and she took a turn for the drunk. Scott, being the gentlemen he is, walked Jill back to his car a few blocks away and ended her birthday celebrations a few hours too late. Jill, Scott, is was great meeting you, have fun at your second party today and "holler".

Kev, Crad and I chilled for a few more hours because they're leaving for a few weeks or months, depending on who your talking about. But alas, the time just keeps on ticking, and Sunday had rolled around. It tapped me on the shoulder, told me it was time to sleep and roundhouse kicked me in the face into a sleep that was way to short.

If my reading week is half as good as it began, reading will be the last thing I do.

Thanks for listening.


11 Responses to “A Weekend To Remember”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Hey Jules, seems like you guys had a good rest of your night after Chimprov!
    I wish I could have stayed, sounds like we would have had some fun times.
    So...the only name I can remember is Cee-lo Green.
    Which isn't too bad considering I suffer from short term memory loss. Most of the time.
    So you should recommend the other Jack Johnson-esque people to me...again, since you seem to have a pretty decent taste in music.
    By the way, I had alot of fun hanging out with you this weekend.
    I'll see you around.

    PS - I hope you still remember who I am. Or this could be weird and you might mistake me for one of those stalkers you seem to accumulate. = )

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Hey! Well it seems like you guys had a pretty good rest of your night after I left. I wish I could have stayed longer, sounds like we would have had some fun times. So...the only name I can remember from you is Cee-lo Green. Who is the non-Jack Johnson-esque one. I really liked your other music though, so you should definately refresh my memory on your other recommended artists. By the way, I had alot of fun meeting you and hanging out this weekend. I'll see you around...

    PS - I hope you remember who I am. Or else this would be weird, and you might mistake me for one of your stalkers. = )

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    K...well that's awkward. I posted one comment, and it said it didn't work, so I tried again and they both came up.
    I'm not completely crazy, I promise.
    Sorry. =)

  4. Anonymous Anonymous 

    so i hope i wasn't a huge embarassment last night except i already know that i was. sorry about that. i'm not usually so crunk. lol anyways i thought i should comment since no one does apparently. but i'll most likely see you at improv next week. bye!

  5. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Yo Erin, Thanks for posting a comment. Finally! Everyone else should be more like Erin! And please, of course i remember you! Hit me up with an e-mail to and I can fire some songs to you over MSN. Cool? Cool!

  6. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Ah breanne! you commented just after i posted this other comment, well the same goes for you , add me to you MSN. Cool like the other post? Cool!

  7. Anonymous Anonymous 

    well jules, im planing on leaving a message considering you said people should. after reading what happened that night, i wish i could have stayed around. next time that it rolls around, im definatly going to keep it real, and have some more fun.

  8. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Great work!
    [url=]My homepage[/url] | [url=]Cool site[/url]

  9. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Great work!
    [url=]My homepage[/url] | [url=]Cool site[/url]

  10. Anonymous Anonymous 
  11. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Great work! |

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  • I'm one of four Young Guns
  • From E-Ville, Canada
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