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I Always Have Time To Waste More Time

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Hello you,

I'm done school for this year and it feels great! Now I can concentrate on a spring class, work, Improvaganza, going to Washington D.C., the Young Guns movie, and a possible trip to New Zealand. Pfft, so nice to be free....

But I also have time to find funny websites, like this one Exploding Dog! people send in titles for a picture and then this guy draws them. Some of the pictures are very funny and make good computer wallpapers for you currently lame "picture of friends" computer background.

I think one reason I like this site is because it's a lot like improv. This guy gets a suggestion, and then makes a scene. It's also funny that some of the pictures could have nothing to do with the suggestion but we as the audience will find the connection.

Anyway I hope you enjoy it, if you know of any funny or interesting websites, post them in the comments. Then I’ll take the best ones and say I found then first!!

Cool? Cool!


3 Responses to “I Always Have Time To Waste More Time”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    The classic:

    And the new:

    While these are mildly entertaining, I've always prefered Exploding Dog.

    CK (not a weapon)

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    This is capable of wasting TONS of your time.
    And it's funny. Cool? Cool.

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Oh! I have another one for you Julian!

    Original Newfie rapping!
    It has been recommended that "Mugsy" and "Trikes and Bikes" are good starting points.

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  • I'm one of four Young Guns
  • From E-Ville, Canada
  • I don't like being told what to do.
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