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I Caught You Trying To Hide Your Smile Behind Your Glass

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Yeah! You! The one reading this! What's up?

So I'm heading out tomorrow for a week on a cross country audition tour! And by cross country I mean Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. It should be fun, however I will miss improv this weekend which makes me sad in the pants.

Work on the Young Guns movie is hella stressful. For anyone who thinks comedy is all fun and games let me tell is....but money on the other hand...or more importantly...the lack of not fun and most certainly not a game. Anyone have $5000 they wanna lend us? Also, if anyone is interested in late May we will be looking for some extras for some scenes in the movie. We'll keep you posted but it would be great to have some people willing to help us out. We promise....hmm snacks and good times...maybe....? :)

And now, I'm off to finish packing for tomorrow then go rock out to the music of Death Cab For Cutie and Franz Ferdinand!

Talk to you all in a week or so! I love you. Yes! You! The one reading this!


PS: This old Warner Bros. cartoon always freaked me out. Do you remember it? Tweety looks so damn scary. The thought of a mutated Tweety stalking me still creeps me out.

5 Responses to “I Caught You Trying To Hide Your Smile Behind Your Glass”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    i would totally be an extra in your movie. Just so I could say I was in a movie.

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    If you throw in some of those little donuts with the icing sugar and some snapple....Id be an extra.

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    This is another one of those popculture things that I was not allowed to watch as a child. Thanks Arlen...

  4. Anonymous Anonymous 

    I'll be an extra if you pay me lots and lots of

    sex. Hot wild Young Guns sex.

  5. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Was that the episode based on "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" because if it is then I do remember it and it WAS creepy.
    Oh, and I'd totally be an extra.

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  • I'm one of four Young Guns
  • From E-Ville, Canada
  • I don't like being told what to do.
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