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The Moment You Have All Been Waiting For...

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Here is the trailer for "Losing Will". I hope you all enjoy it... It was well received at the Segments screening, getting a good amount of laughs and "audience buzz" after it ran. Production continues... we will keep you posted...we are very excited. Also, this Wednesday we have our showcase at Improvaganza at 8pm. It's gonna be a great show with a very special guest performing with us (the first we've had! expect hilarity!). Check it out if you can! :)


13 Responses to “The Moment You Have All Been Waiting For...”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    FYI - I "shared" the video with every contact I have and this was the message along with it...

    This is my brother's latest film (in development...coloring and all that has not been done yet). Not only is he one of the stars, but he's also co-producing and co-directing it. That's Arlen for you! Do it yourself man! I'm very excited to see it. And always!
    Cadence (****

    Just because I probably don't tell you often enough how proud I am of you.

    Love you, Cadence

    PS - I'm proud of you too - Mike, Julian, Joey, Mo ;)

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    This is the best trailer I have ever seen, since the trailer for Picasso Trigger.

    Honestly, wow. Great cinematography, it is truly impressive.


  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Great work boys. What can I say?

    Seriously, just tell me.

  4. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Oh you boys.... always making me so proud!

    -M Bear

  5. Anonymous Anonymous 

    That was such a great trailer. I really liked it!
    The outdoor shots were amazing, perfect angles.
    And I really like the song played. What is it?
    Keep up the good work guys,it looks like its going to be an amazing movie. and good luck in your showcase on wednesday. see you there!


  6. Anonymous Anonymous 

    I can't wait to see it, yay!


  7. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Thanks everyone! I'm glad you guys like it! The song is Casimir Pulaski Day by Sufjan Stevens. We will keep you posted on the film as it develops.... :) Yay!

  8. Anonymous Anonymous 

    A composite of some of the comments I've got from friends so far:

    - like the video, ecpeciall the inclusion of a sufjan stevens song.
    - oh man your brother's trailer was well cool. i knew he was going to say kill me. i just knew it. and it looks good. maybe if i go over there to visit i can see it in full. :)
    - The video clip you sent me of Arlens new movie looks great!I love the Idea behind the plot.Arlen looks good on the small-big screen.I know he dosent know me but next time you talk to him tell him congratulations.
    - Saw your brothers trailer it was really goosebumps and everything! That is so awesome!

  9. Anonymous Anonymous 

    you guys have some beautiful shots in there-- congrats on the Trailer, let alone the amount of work you've clearly put in for the rest of it. excited to see it, hopefully i'll still be in edmonton when its done!
    (p.s-- thanks mo for the website! i'd pass on the trailer, but all of my friends are in ontario :( )

  10. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Mike and Arlen (and madhav of course!)

    EEP! Yikes!

    I'm so excited to see it! and I'm SO proud of you guys!I get misty watching the fort mac stuff! =)
    arlen great job at improvaganza. It was awesome to see Alistar play again too.

  11. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Great Job Guys! I was really impressed and now I'm looking forward to the film even more! I'm proud of you Joey and the rest too!

  12. Anonymous Anonymous 


  13. Anonymous Anonymous 


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  • I'm one of four Young Guns
  • From E-Ville, Canada
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