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Growing Apart

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Arlen Konopaki and Stephen Kent during happier times.

Oh yes, Arlen and I were once the kind of friends who'd do all sorts of things together: perform improv shows, watch movies, reach for each other in the dark.

And now? Arlen flies out to Toronto, not an hour and a half from Stratford--where I live in classical acting exile--and he doesn't even call, or email, or text. To have him so close, and not to see him, it's like a younggunshot in the heart.

You know, I was warming up for Henry IV last week and I felt my skin tingling a little bit. I couldn't figure out what was causing the sensation. My mind raced. My heart started beating a little faster. Colours seemed richer, the air sweeter. Little did I know Arlen was, physically, so close to me then. I could actually feel him. Sure I wasn't spooning him on the grass at the Legislature, but he was with me, spooning my mind.

In my heart there was an innocent, blissful, perfect little turf of grass, and there Arlen ran and danced and sang. But now he's clusterbombed that place, and there's been significant collateral damage. Luckily Shakespeare keeps me on life support, but let's be honest, I've never really understood what the fuck the guy is saying anyway.

So, goodbye Arlen.


8 Responses to “Growing Apart”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Steve. This one stings like a slap on the back. You know I love you.

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 


    Does this mean i move up a whole spot on the "Steve's Best Friend List"

    Look out Number 8, here i come!!


    P.S. I've been getting better at the spooning thing, no more awkward "what's that in my back?" moments

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 


    I was in Toronto with Arlen and I said "hey let's call Steve" and he was all like "man, Steve can suck it."

    And I was like "Steve's the man, what are you saying?" And he was like "Suck it, suck it, suck it."

    So not only is he a bad friend, he also terrifyingly uncreative when it comes to insulting you.

    Sorry, but I thought you should know.


  4. Anonymous Anonymous 

    I'm feeling a whole lot of man-love/man-hate goin on around well as exhibitionism of it all. You guys all need to kiss and make-up. And since you've already started it in public...might as well finish it off in public. Please ensure I'm not around to see however.

  5. Anonymous Anonymous 


    Thank you for that. My rage has now reached new heights. If you could kick Arlen in the groin it would mean much love.

    Jules, you've always been in my top five. Arlen has currently dropped to 107th, one spot below Linda Rubin.

    Arlen call me so we can talk about the fall. Got some ideas kicking around you cold hearted bastard.


  6. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Steve I'm all over it. I feel the more toxic our relationship offstage becomes, the more magical it will become onstage. So, to foster this growth, suck my cack.

  7. Anonymous Anonymous 

    I think I hear something...


    It's the tiptoeing of hundreds of fans...slowly backing away...

    Oh no. I think it's a kissing noise. Coming from that corner...

  8. Anonymous Anonymous 

    So, I know that you guys are really busy with your movie making and such, but I look forward to your updated and entertaining posts. So if you could be so kind as to post something new, that would be great. Possibly an update on how your movie making is going.


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  • I'm one of four Young Guns
  • From E-Ville, Canada
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