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I'm. A. Cat. Meow!

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I can't tell you how excited I am by the footage we have thus far from The Young Guns movie. We have been shooting for 4 days now and despite a few minor hiccups things are going well. We still have a ton of work ahead of us, but I feel good about how things are shaping up. Here are a couple pics from the shoot thus far!

To answer your question, yes, that is a good ol' fashioned greenscreen! Movie magic revealed!

We are still lacking a title for our movie, so I ask you, whoever you may be, what should we call our movie? A brief and vague plot summary goes as follows: Three friends go on one last roadtrip together.

That's all for now!


10 Responses to “I'm. A. Cat. Meow!”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Simply: The Last One

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    The Fuck?!

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    I said that due to the long ass, keyboard mashing name. Not the sugestion, so thanks keep em coming!

  4. Anonymous Anonymous 

    That's the kind of thing my cat types.

  5. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Sometimes I wish I was in elementary and Joey was my teacher, so that I could have a cool movie start teacher, and not some lame-wad... but alas. Those days are dead and gone.

    On with the next.

  6. Anonymous Anonymous 


    You were in fucking Toronto! You son of a bitch! I'm right near by.


  7. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Steve! Your alive!? You son of a bitch!

    PS Post something, ya lame-o!

  8. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Steve I totally texted you and told you I was gonna be there. DAAAAAAAMN! Well I will be back in July...let's fucking get together mofo.

  9. Anonymous Anonymous 

    How about "Star Wars." You know - you could use it like a metaphor. Wars, because you're fighting time and all - it's like a "war" with age. Star, because it could be a metaphorical representation of your final destination.

    What...that's been taken?

    Fuck it, call it whatever you want then.

  10. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Wait, wait, I've got one...

    I'm eating mandarin oranges, and I'm reading the french side of the reads:

    "Oranges mandarines dans un sirop leger brises"

    That would be a cool title for a movie.


    Damnit people.

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  • I'm one of four Young Guns
  • From E-Ville, Canada
  • I don't like being told what to do.
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