What cha doin' this weekend...?
Published Thursday, June 08, 2006 by one of four Young Guns | E-mail this post
Hey you...
Wanna get something for nothing? Of course you do!
I was able to get RFT to run a little promotion for this weekends Chimprov. Seeing as how the OIlers little playoff run has seriously destroyed our attendance numbers due to 30,000 people being on Whyte on any given Oiler game night, i figured we needed a way to get people to come to our shows. Because a packed house makes all the difference.
So, in the style of the chant "Oilers win, show some skin!" This saturdays chimprov is "Oilers win, it's free to get in!"
And even if they lose, if you wear an oilers jersey, it's just five bucks!
So come and watch, Me and Crad will be rocking out troupe "Crazyname". Really, what do you have to lose? It could be free! And you won't need to brave whyte ave or "show some skin". Unless you want to...
Speaking of skin... Check this picture.
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