Good Talent is Hard to Find
Published Monday, May 08, 2006 by one of four Young Guns | E-mail this post

So Arlen is off to Toronto, to become a big star no doubt. He will be performing Scratch with Kevin and my bet is the T. Dot audiences will love their Edmonton improv style.
If this doesn't happen I have a back up plan for him!
Check out
Philly Faces, a talent agency that has the photos and resumes of many potential "stars" looking for a big break before they are forced to give up on their dreams and the only lines they're doing are made of coke and the only line they're delivering is "Just don't get it in my eye". Most of the bios are great and some even have videos, they are just as funny as they are sad. The photos with a little "V" above them have videos and they are all worth a look. (My favorite is on Page 3 - Sector b)
You'll thank me once you see them.
Your welcome,
P.S. CACACACAAAAAAAA COMEDY!!!! (that's for you Kory)
When it came down to casting actresses for the new Young Guns/Mike Robertson film, I was not aware that the actress I was looking for was Sharon Gellar.
However, after visiting the Philly Faces website, I have learned that I am wrong.
I just got off the phone with her agent. Sharon Gellar will be playing all of the female characters in our movie.
ALL of them.
She is right, I am looking for Sharon Geller.
Also I found it funny that she gives exactly 100 percent.
Most people try to give 110. She just gives a nice consistent 100.
I dunno, I like Sharon Geller, even though she doesn't do unscripted improv, but if you hire Renee you get two personalities for the price of one, think of the savings!
Unscripted improv is only the second best kind.
Lomdardi - Page 3 - Section H...i love her second photo. What exactly is that picture trying to show?
That's easy youKNOWwho. That's Lombardi trying to show that she can be sexy and frustrated at the same time. I mean, how many times have we all been beautiful women with long blonde hair who are just so fed up with life that we want to rip out our gorgeous locks? I know I've been there. Twice.
Alright, so I used some mean names to describe people who would make fun of the site. But, I admit, I succumbed and had to go look.
And if you look at the men's section, in sector G, there is a boy with the name George, and he's got a picture just like Ms. Gellar's. Except it's of him.
I didn't realise how en vogue that style is right now. My bad.
But makes no sense...cuz her hair says frustrated...but her face says 'I'm at a picnic - look at my pretty smile and face for Mummy taking a picture of me'.
This seriously is on my mind night and day. NIGHT AND DAY! What was she thinking? What was the photographer thinking? How could they put two such DICHOTIMOUS (spelling? real word?) images together?????
adj : divided or dividing into two sharply distinguished parts or classifications
The governmental department charged with the regulation and control of the affairs of a community, now chiefly the department established to maintain order, enforce the law, and prevent and detect crime.
yikes. all I can say is yikes.
interj. : Used to express mild fear or surprise.
This is a fun game!
noun : an acticity providing entertainment or amusement; a pastime
Your right! it is fun!
So tempted to leave this one alone, as the joke is over, but I JUST CAN'T!
Used as a modifier before a noun (your boots)
Contraction of You are.
Joey. Don't do things like that to me. I won't come to your house anymore. And I'll kill you in the street.
Umm... what did I do again?
Dutchess Fruit Pants:
noun. Shawn Pallier.
You can't use a fake name, and then link your blog as your website. I will see through your clever disguise everytime.
Yeah, Shawn! Stop ruining it for the rest of us!
(Moohaa haa! My cunning plan working again!...oops, I shouldn't have typed that...)
Alright now that is just about enough. Using some made up name then attaching someone else's website to it. Real mature. I mean c'mon guys. I remember when these comments areas were used to make comments about someone's blog, and now they have turned into this. A place for jokes. And not even funny jokes. We've stooped as low as dictionary jokes, and clever disguise jokes. Now, don't get me wrong I love all forms of jokes, but I also believe there is a time and place for everything, and here, and now, this is not either of those things.
So... back to the blog at hand. I also think that Jake George's lower headshot (Men's page one sector G) looks like Sharon Gellar's lower headshot (Women's page one sector A). Perhaps they used the same photographer and he has a limited amount of poses. Or perhaps the photographer knows what is funny. And making funny faces while pulling one's tie is HILARIOUS.
How do you know you're spending too much time looking at Philly Faces? When you DREAM you are looking at Philly Faces.
(I kid you not...that is the most embarassing dream I've ever had, I'm glad I'm disguising my identity)
YEAH!!! What the hell? Disguise and Dictionary jokes are stoopid
Joey, It's okay. You just used your instead of you're. I'll still come to your house. I hear you have a pickle.
Umm... I think that was Scott.