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I'm home again after another trip up to Ft. McMurray filming more stuff. We were shooting at the cliff again and there was a slight accident. Mike and I climbed down this steep cliff to get a shot of Joey walking along the cliff then scaling down, but when Joey began scaling down the ground gave way and he slipped pretty bad falling a good 10 feet approximately. His fingers were cut really badly along with his arms, legs and stomach all being scraped up. However, we did get it all on camera and will be able to use the shot so on the bright side, his pain was not for nothing. Joey was a trooper and we continued shooting for another half hour then we realized we had to get back up from the ravine we were in. We spent the next hour climbing a 250 meter cliff, which in retrospect was really dangerous. But we are all home and intact and done shooting in Ft. Mac. Just a few more scenes then we are done filming. I'm pretty excited, but it's still a fair amount.

Also, the fringe starts on Thursday! In case you haven't heard, my show Scratch will have 7 shows and I hope as many people as possible can come and see it. If you are reading this I ask you to check it out and bring as many of your friends as you can muster up. Kevin and I have been working really hard and I feel like right now Scratch is pretty awesome. I'm proud of the show.

We are at Stage 7, the Royal Canadian Legion. Our times are:

Aug. 17th - 8pm
Aug. 19th - 1:45pm
Aug. 23rd - 2:30pm
Aug. 24th - noon
Aug. 25th - 11:30pm
Aug. 26th - 6:15pm
Aug. 27th - 8:15pm

Hope to see you at Scratch! :)


PS: Our myspace page is right here.

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  • I'm one of four Young Guns
  • From E-Ville, Canada
  • I don't like being told what to do.
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