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I'm doing important stuff too...

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I might not be in Washington D.C. representing Alberta, and I might not be touring my Fringe show across Canada. No, I'm changing the world in our own backyard. I'm in Bragg Creek Alberta supervising at a camp called YouthWrite.

I spend my day (which begins very early and ends very late) hanging out with the campers (kids 11-14 years old this week, 15-18 next week), who are so talented. They are poets, they are singers, they are artists, they are authors, they are the future of the artistic world. And when I am not with them I am hanging out with the instructors, world famous singer/song writers, authors, poets and artists. There are too many to name and their cumulative talents are too wonderful to describe, but they amaze me every day. When they teach, I want to teach like them. When they share their creations, I hope that the creations that I (and the Young Guns) share mean as much. And I would of course be nothing out here without the people I work most directly with, the other supervisors and our lovely coordinator. Again, I won't do names, although I could since there are only 8 of us, and we do the work of 80, but their constant support is what gets my up in the morning, keeps me going all day and is what draws that eleventh wind out of me at 1:30 a.m. and we dance all night. Then we do it all again the next day, and the next and the next.

So, the reason why I haven't been as good as I should be with this blog in the last week, is because this is my second oppertunity to access the internet (thank god it was still open at 12:45 a.m.) so after sifting through dozens of e-mails, this was the second stop I made.

Anyway, if there is anyone reading this out there, I apologize for the cheese, but I needed to put my thanks and appreciation somewhere out there in internet land for people to read and perhaps know what I am talking about.

And to my Young Guns, rock your shows, whether they are Scratch in Tdot or the titty-po in E-ville. I will rock our nightly improvised show: the Beeg Show. So far the reviews are good, but they have to be, so I can't lose.

Okay, I think this is my fourth conclusion paragraph so this one better end this freakin' blog update.


Good it did.

5 Responses to “I'm doing important stuff too...”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Important...? Or the most important?

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Touche ...?...
    I would like to touche you.

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    And I you.........and I you......?...

  4. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Dear Joe,
    You're fantasmick

  5. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Cheese! Yessss! As an actor, drama teacher and mom, I am totally jealous and wish I was where you are Joey! I almost wept with happiness that YouthWrite (and such things) actually happen; that these kids, with the courage to be artists, at this time and in this place, have the chance to be mentored by people like you! Yeah yeah, all those others too. I'm sure they are swell. But, as little as I know you, I know that you are making huge contributions too. In good learning environments, the "teachers" always feel they are learning more than they are giving, so it must be a great place. Artists, of all disciplines, of all ages, feed each other. I'm excited to see the impact all this will have on your creative process. As for the whole "important stuff" controversy: "A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and gets to bed at night, and in between he does what he wants to do." Bob Dylan.

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  • I'm one of four Young Guns
  • From E-Ville, Canada
  • I don't like being told what to do.
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