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It's Like A Sauna In Here...

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Today we arrived at our venue to find out that the air conditioning was broken. Now, I don't know if you have seen Scratch but this is one of the worst things that could possibly happen. On a good day when the air conditioning is working Kevin and I still end the show absolutely drenched in sweat after running, jumping, rolling, fighting and generally throwing ourselves around the stage. So with no air conditioning we were already feeling the heat after our warm-up. By the end of the show I was literally pouring sweat. It was running off of me and dripping onto the ground. Yikes. I hope they have it fixed for the last two shows.

At last nights show another reviewer came, this time from the Toronto Blog. He also brought a camera and documented the show. His review can be found here. And some of the first pictures from Scratch in Toronto are below, with the rest being on the Toronto Blog site.

Two more shows here in TO! Wish us luck!



2 Responses to “It's Like A Sauna In Here...”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 



    Way to go arlen! Way to overshadow my post by putting a new post right after me.

    Thanks...for nothin'!

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    I think we know who is responsible for this. And it's not me. We all know who I'm talking about so it's about time it was out in the open.... the "Anonymous Young Gun". There. I said it.

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  • I'm one of four Young Guns
  • From E-Ville, Canada
  • I don't like being told what to do.
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