The Aftermath...
Published Wednesday, August 16, 2006 by one of four Young Guns | E-mail this post
Hey, Joe here... here are some pics of my injury described by Arlen in the post below. Warning these are not for the faint of heart, or the faint of butt...
Right Leg

Left Leg

Right Arm

Left Hand... This one makes it fun to type, and by fun, I mean incredsibly difdfdicult. Fucxk.
Goddamn pinky keewps hittring more than onew key.

Oh Joey! That looks awful! Come to my house, I have oodles of quick heal polysporin. It will leave you scar free. It's awesome. Unless you think scars are manly. Ew.
Please go here.
Way to show a bit of skin Joey...too bad it's oozing and red!
Those finger tips are nasty...I'm sorry but it's true. But thank goodness that's all that happened to you (all 'mend-able').
Aw, my poor brother...why are you the one who's always getting hurt?
You COULD go get "oodles of quick heal polysporin", but I made your favorite cookies! So come to our house! Besides, we're starting to forget what you look like...these pictures don't count. No one wants to see that.
Love you!