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A Trip To L.A.

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Arlen and I took a trip to L.A. last weekend to meet up with our good friend and yours, Josh Dean. We did improv at the Ventura Improv Festival. We ate lots of food. We had fun in general.

Here are some pictures... Hooray!

Here is the Car josh owns, it's nice and the roof goes down! Yippy!

That's me jumping. I look cool. Boing!

The First thing Arlen said when we got there was "So this is New York City?!" Oh Arlen... ZING!

This is Josh jumping. Oh, by the way, josh is a ghost now. Boo-oing!

This is Arlen and I trying to look cool. Mission Accomplished! Words!

That's all, Bye!!!


1 Responses to “A Trip To L.A.”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Well, at the very least, Arlen succeeded in looking cool.

    (just kidding.)

    (yeah, take it both ways.)

    Looks like a wild and crazy time there...! Cool!

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  • I'm one of four Young Guns
  • From E-Ville, Canada
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