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Last Night...

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Oh man... that sure was fun.
For those who missed last night's CHiMPROV you sure did miss something special. Picture a regular old Young Guns show, then kick it up a notch as we were riding high on an energy wave (due to it being our second last Young Guns show for a loooooong time), then add a touch of Jackass. Arlen, would you help these people visualize by posting a pic of your back?

Oh but we had fun... I tried to kill the Hardy Boys and I started something that Jules finished... hard... with a running jump. There were breakups, dead grandmas, a cat lady, a trip to Lady Footlocker, a bad divorce and an emo party I think we can all relate to along with many more gems.

What did you guys think of the show and of the fishbowl form?



To be honest I can hardly remember a lot of the scenes we did. I just felt bad about hitting Arlen so hard. I didn't realize my hand was made of sharp glass with bits of razor blade in it. In hindsight, which is always 20/20, that running jump was unnecessary, although i guess it looked cool.

From what I understand, no internal injuries were suffered... with the exception of my broken heart.... I'm a monster!



Hey! Arlen here. I just got out of intensive care. Just kidding. I am fine if not a little sore. Jules doesn't need to feel bad because while the pain was excruciating, I had a really, really fun time doing the show and was really proud of us Young Guns. I thought that the show last night was the best Young Guns show of the season thus far and I hope to top it with our last show in February.

Thank you to everyone who came to see the show. We appreciate the support greatly. Below are the pictures of my back, wounded by the amazingly powerful slap Julian gave me on the bare back. I was lashed!

9 Responses to “Last Night...”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Last night was amazing. I can't even begin to explain how much I loved it. No one in the audience wanted it to end.
    The fishbowl form was sucha great idea because the audience got what ever you guys interpreted from their suggestion. I definitely think you should do that again.
    The awkward date with cat lady, the bad divorce & Arlen's chair for a shoe were one of my favorites. :)
    You guys work SO WELL off each other. I still can't believe it's the second last Young Guns show. What am I to do from 11-1 on a Saturday/Sunday?

    All I can say is, Julian, you WILL be missed.. Hardcore. All the best in New Zealand.


    Arlen, how's the back? :(

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Yeah, that was a wonderful show! Chimprov definitely won't be the same without all our Young Guns. Every scene last night was great, but I think one of the most memorable moments was when we could see the outline of each individual bead of Julian's bracelet on Arlen's back! And the chair foot. That was pretty sweet. Thanks for a great evening!

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 


    i laughed, i cried
    it was great.

    arlen, i feel bad for your back
    joey, you saw the opening and you took it (cant say i wouldnt do the same thing)
    julian, props for the running jump and your scarry as a mofo.

    good luck all of you and a merry christmas

  4. Anonymous Anonymous 

    I'm not sure if I can comment about my own post, but DAMN! You can still see Julian's beaded bracelet marks! Also, if you play around the color in photoshop you can make it so that it looks like an x-ray of Julian's hand, and the gash looks like a nasty fracture. Which got me to thinking, everyone is so concerned about Arlen's back (the back by the way, FULL of muscle), but no one seems concerned about the state of Julian's hand (not much protective tissue there folks, just bones.., lots of breakable bones). AND Julian has broken his hand before, and you know what they say, no matter how many surguries you may have, your hand never gets back to 100% of what it used to be. So, forget Arlen... Julian, is your hand okay?

  5. Anonymous Anonymous 

    well I guess I'll follow up with joe's reply....Jules, how's your hand feeling? are you ok? haha, and Arlen like you said, you definately "took it like a man" you can even see each bone in Julian's arm on your back!! Well the show on saturday was awesome!! I brought 7 of my friends who had never watched chimprov before and now they all love it. The fishbowl thing was a great idea, every scene that came out of it was halairious!! I have to say that my favourite part was probably the HUGE skips jules and arlen made during the hardy boys scene =)

  6. Anonymous Anonymous 

    hey everyone saturday night was my first saturday show(i've been to a friday show once before) and it was awsome... you guys definatley know how to put on a great show. I don't know how you slept that night arlen but props for taking the hit. i will definatly be at the february show its just too bad i didn't find out about chimprov sooner.

  7. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Wow, I dug the show a lot. High energy, and funny. I think they heard the slap in New Zealand!

  8. Anonymous Anonymous 

    I heard that at the next young guns show they're bringing weapons! Is this true?

  9. Anonymous Anonymous 

    It’s true! We have decided to bring weapons to our next show. We’ve decided that the typical methods for scene transitions (a clap or a tap on the back) are way too wussie. So whenever we want to change the scene we will be caneing the other guy out of the scene. Other, more advanced, transitions will take place with a series of punches to the face, stab wounds to the abdomen or, my favorite, a cheese grater to the back.

    Other than the transitions, the scene will be the same style.

    “Can I get a non-geographical location, and a way in which you would hate to be hurt?”


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  • I'm one of four Young Guns
  • From E-Ville, Canada
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