Four Young Men... Four Young Minds... For Young Ladies...

We Did It! We Really Did It!


First off, this is post number 100 here on the Young Guns blog which is kinda cool.

As I write this Jules and Joe are doing the farewell to The Young Guns show. Farewell for a while at least. It will be some time before all of us are improvising together again. Maybe until around December, maybe longer, who knows.

I am sad I am not there for Julian's going away show, as I'm sure it will be a great one. I will definitely miss not only Julian, but the chemistry and fun that the three (and four when Steve is around) of us have. Not only on stage but offstage as well, just hanging out, being pals too. The Young Guns will always hold a special part in my heart. We all kinda rose the ranks of RFT together. Some of my finest memories at the Varscona have been doing shows with Joe and Jules and Steve. But all good things must come to an end I suppose and here we are. For now.

However, not to be so glum about it, The Young Guns will return in the very near future on a big screen near you, as the Losing Will premiere planning is underway....we will keep everyone updated! April/May still look very promising. Also, Joe and I will rock some two man's when I return, so get ready for some of that awesomeness!

L.A. has been interesting. It is exciting and inspiring on one hand, dull and frustrating on the other. I keep sitting down to write about it, then deciding not to. I will do a massive post one of these days highlighting my life down here thus far. Overall, it is very good to be here though.

Right now I am off to go see Mr. Graham Wagner do some comedy at a show here in town.

Take care everyone!

Here we are, The Young Guns, in all our glory...

Beating the crap out of Kevin in a Hardy Boys scene...

Trying to strip Julian...

Just straight up, being pals.


*Unfortunately it appears that there is a glitch with the comments on which is not letting them appear. Hopefully the problem will be fixed very soon....sorry to anyone trying to post them right now!

Banjo Suite


Keep posted for the world tour with The Cordouroys, The Hardly Boys, and the newly re-formed Police (tentative). Abraham Ends is currently recording his eleventh album on a deserted barge off a deserted island. And learning to play an instrument other than his computer. Check him out right fucking here y'all:

holy shit-folk banjo!

The songs are sad because the Young Guns are dying or are already dead. Is this a shitty way for us to go, or just incredibly sublime? Love you love.

Stephen (Signing off, among other things...)

A freakin' update already...


Sorry poppy-kevvy, I didn't mean to disappoint you, I just want to make you proud...

Anywho... Man, what to say? If I were cool with the kids I would say something like "Shits going off here like..." Umm... Jules, how do I finish that line so as to appear cool with the kids? Wow, that pretty much sums up where my brain be at. However, the end is in sight, if I can survive these next ten days I can do anything. And while I want this whole Festival thing to be done and over with and a huge success that also means that Jules leaves. And I know it's too soon for all that gushy stuff, but it's gonna be weird. Since grade 9 we've been making shitty little fuck arounds (as Jules's dad calls them) together, it just won't be right improvising without him around. Plus Arlen is gone till April, so for all of March I will be the lone Young Gun.

Okay, I've got to focus on the positive, like how awesome these next two weekends worth of shows will be. Like this weekend, we've got our PrimeTime shows at 8PM on Friday and Saturday (Jules and I will be playing in both of those). Plus Jules' last TheatreSports for at least a year on Friday at 11PM. Then Saturday at CHiMPROV at 11PM in the second half Jules, myself and some others will be doing a BLAUGH written by the third Young Gun, Arlen, from LA! For those of you that are unfamiliar with the BLAUGH, basically we are all given the first few pages to a script written by someone, in this case Arlen, then the pages run out and the acting stops and the improvising begins. Arlen, can you give the people an idea of what to expect as far as style goes? But the big show will for sure be Saturday, Feb. 17th 11PM CHiMPROV. I will not say anymore right now, except that you won't want to miss it.


About me

  • I'm one of four Young Guns
  • From E-Ville, Canada
  • I don't like being told what to do.
  • My profile

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