A freakin' update already...
Published Thursday, February 08, 2007 by one of four Young Guns | E-mail this post
Sorry poppy-kevvy, I didn't mean to disappoint you, I just want to make you proud...
Anywho... Man, what to say? If I were cool with the kids I would say something like "Shits going off here like..." Umm... Jules, how do I finish that line so as to appear cool with the kids? Wow, that pretty much sums up where my brain be at. However, the end is in sight, if I can survive these next ten days I can do anything. And while I want this whole Festival thing to be done and over with and a huge success that also means that Jules leaves. And I know it's too soon for all that gushy stuff, but it's gonna be weird. Since grade 9 we've been making shitty little fuck arounds (as Jules's dad calls them) together, it just won't be right improvising without him around. Plus Arlen is gone till April, so for all of March I will be the lone Young Gun.
Okay, I've got to focus on the positive, like how awesome these next two weekends worth of shows will be. Like this weekend, we've got our PrimeTime shows at 8PM on Friday and Saturday (Jules and I will be playing in both of those). Plus Jules' last TheatreSports for at least a year on Friday at 11PM. Then Saturday at CHiMPROV at 11PM in the second half Jules, myself and some others will be doing a BLAUGH written by the third Young Gun, Arlen, from LA! For those of you that are unfamiliar with the BLAUGH, basically we are all given the first few pages to a script written by someone, in this case Arlen, then the pages run out and the acting stops and the improvising begins. Arlen, can you give the people an idea of what to expect as far as style goes? But the big show will for sure be Saturday, Feb. 17th 11PM CHiMPROV. I will not say anymore right now, except that you won't want to miss it.
Ok Joe, you've done well. You made me proud.
But for extra points can you tell me the names of the original creators of Blaugh?
Anybody? Anybody?
Well... I remember seeing it at the 2003 NextFest with Belinda, Ian, Bill, Jana and you, poppy-kevy. It was about a love triangle on a banana ranch.
But I also know that Blaugh also ran at the previous year's NextFest.
So, my final answer will still have to be the names mentioned above: Kev, Bill, Belinda, Jana and our good friend the Rowebot.
What do I win?
I'm not necessarily saying they created it, but I first saw this format in, I believe, 2001 in Fort McMurray's equivalent of the Fringe. With Chris Herbert and Young Gun's own Arlen Konopaki.
(Correct me if I'm wrong about the year Arlen but I'm sure it was the summer I moved back from Ireland)
Yes CK you are correct, with Mo Sarda providing the script.
2001. I can testify to this information. I was there in the audience at the Nomad Inn in The Fort when Arlen, Chris and Mo rocked the house (and the boat).
Wow! I'm even prouder of my little bro now! Creating this format (is that what we're saying here?) and Scratch (with others of course!)
Now...does anyone remember what that show was called? I swear I wanna say "Scratch" cuz I remember when I heard about the NEW Scratch I was confused and thought it was the same thing....but I'm probably wrong...
Okay Joe, you're right. I think...
And as for the vicious lies that Cadence is trying to spread... all I can say is that I believe Blaugh was originally mounted at the 2001 NEXTFEST by myself, Bill, Jana and Belinda.
So it's only a matter of months that'll determine which group is the brilliant one, and which one is totally derivative and copy-cat-like.
Although I might be wrong on every single bit of info there. Really...
I'm not even sure I was ever in that show. Ever.
WEEEELLLL....the Arlen/Chris/Mo one was late July 2001. So...I guess you could say summer 2001. I also believe Tess was saying she'd seen it in Regina. So maybe a whole bunch of people came up with it...all by themselves....in various locations?
What a mystery!