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Let The Reading Begin!

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Whew! This has been one hella long week. I ran As You Like It in it's 3 hour entirety 8 times in 6 days, auditioned for Bob Baker at the Citadel, did 2 film workshops, did Theatresports and Chimprov AND took a trip to South Dakota! Today Bill, Condor, Belinda and I met to work on The Fangles, a new Chimprov troupe in which we will be playing real live rock music. It's pretty hilarious already, the four of us jammin'. Drumming is actually going better than I anticipated.

As You Like It was a great show to do, I shall miss it. I'm pretty exhausted from our cast party though...I kind of wish I didn't stay as late as I did cuz now my throat is pretty sore. Kev and I got to do Scratch at Chimprov for the last time for 3 months. It was one of our best yet too which is nice since we only have a few weeks once he's back before we start touring the show. We still have some work to do on Scratch but I'm really happy with how it's coming together. I get so nervous every time we do it though.

JULES and I need to get together this week. SHAAAAAAMON! If JOE wasn't off doing whatever the HELL it is he is doing he could be there too. Joe...if you can hear me...come back...

Leslie seemed upset but I couldn't help the fact her dead daughter looked "a wee bit peckish".

Happy Reading Week!


9 Responses to “Let The Reading Begin!”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Hey Arlen...

    So I'm glad to hear you enjoyed doing As You Like It, and we were all at Chimprov last night and you did a great job! But way to show up at our matinee performance on Saturday, you missed our whole team getting the Ring of Shame. I'm going to assume you had a matinee performance too? Well it's cool. I guess I am assuming you know who this is: I am the alternate from Shep's Nosebowl team. And yeah, just saying hello and you are going to tour Scratch? Awesome.


  2. Anonymous Anonymous 


    Yeah I'm sorry I missed the afternoon performance on Saturday. That is hilarious that your whole team got the Ring of Shame. What did you guys do to get that glorious honour? Ahh I taught you well haha.... :) Yeah Kevin and I are doing a Fringe tour of Scratch to Toronto, Winnipeg, Edmonton and hopefully Vancouver (we're still waiting to hear back). Talk to you soon...and by soon I mean when you post BACK!

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Oh, yes you certainly taught us well :P We had a scene involving pirates and buried Xylophones, and I was a "savage" and acted sort of like a monkey, and then they kept referring to me as a mongrel and a savage and the plan was to make me learn to speak English and mop the decks... apparently this was racist and Chris Craddock put the dirty ring of shame on my lovely clean head. And because of this scene we lost many a point and ended up ahead of our rival team by only four points. Since we only had one team member then left to play, Kevin was all "Ok, this will be a scene with one member of each team and the most loving player will get FIVE points for the win" and then when Lindsay totally had it won (she proclaimed herself the mother of the other character; of course it also became a bit of an Oedipus sort of scene when the other guy tried to match her level of loving), Kevin up and changed the challenge to the most physical (and then the judges picked the other team)! We were all pretty bummed about it, but after the Final we got invitations to the Sunday night jam thingers, so I guess it was alright afterall. (I kind of talked about it a bit in my blog if you are interested,, but it's a ways down the page already.) You know this was a very long comment and maybe if you just gave me your e-mail... :P
    When is this Scratch tour? Is what you do each time the same, I mean, random scenes then tied together by the end?

  4. Anonymous Anonymous 

    That's pretty funny and it's good you got to play regardless of the Ring of Shame. I checked your blog! AND you totally should do the Sunday jams. My e-mail is Man...every time I type that I just think "Damn I need a new e-mail address"...haha oh well.. MSN it up! :)

  5. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Thank you!
    [url=]My homepage[/url] | [url=]Cool site[/url]

  6. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Great work!
    My homepage | Please visit

  7. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Great work!
    My homepage | Please visit

  8. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Great work! |

  9. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Great work! |

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  • I'm one of four Young Guns
  • From E-Ville, Canada
  • I don't like being told what to do.
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