What do you think of the pic? It was created at the Sugar Bowl with the help of Jules' lappy. The lappy that will hopefully make it's stage debut on a coupla Saturdays. Can you find Arlen? (Hint: He's the one with the boomerang shaped head...)
Alright, but seriously, I have this group project due tomorrow and I am in pain. For those who might not know, I have kidney stones. I've had 5 so far, all produced by lefty, which is why I thought it weird when good ol' reliable righty started hurting a few hours ago. Nothing is official yet, but I am starting to lose hope in the fact that I have at least one good kidney... sigh... But I am chugging litres of water in the effort to flush it out ASAP, which just means I have to pee. A lot.
But enough of medical this-or-that. Let's talk some improv.
So you know how about 2 years ago or so, when I wasn't doing Chimprov, and wasn't really second half, there was this big discussion about what was wrong with Theatre Sports? Why is the first half being better (on some nights) than the second half? The answer I came up with was, lack of caring. I'm not saying that all the second halfers of back then didn't care at all, it just seemed they cared less, because most of their "improv effort" went into the next night, Chimprov. And this makes sense, with Chimprov you get a lot more artistic and creative freedom, you get time, you get set up, and you get paid.
Well... I think we might be there again.
Now, I can't speak for everyone, so I will speak for myself. I know I don't care as much for Theatre Sports as I do the Young Guns and the Nouns, and why should I? I don't mean for that to sound mean, I love Theatre Sports and what it allowed me to accomplish, but it isn't where my heart is at. And it shows. Last week I played the first half, and I thought I was terrible, I mean not compared to some in the first half, but considering the level I should be at, I didn't bring it, and I felt very responsible for the lower quality of that half. I should have been able to save it, and I think I could have, but I didn't. The second half was better, but the first half left a bad taste in my mouth for the whole night.
If there is a silver lining to this problem, it is this: I'm critical of my work and because of that I recognize the problem: I need to care more for Theatre Sports and the improv I do at Theatre Sports. The new problem? I don't know how to make that happen. This is the point when you reply and post a solution to my problem.
And if you have a solution for kidney stones and the pain associated, post that too...