Four Young Men... Four Young Minds... For Young Ladies...

Summer Is Coming


Okay, so the Young Guns meeting today to discuss the plot of our movie went extremely well. We still have to flesh out a lot of the scenes but the basic plot we have in place is really great. The money for the film is still kind of a question mark but I have so much faith in the project right now I feel like we have to do this no matter what. If you're curious about the plot of the movie....this is a picture from the original scene that inspired it.

Then the AGM for Rapid Fire was a good time. I enjoyed the Young Guns teaming up with real guns....laser guns!....and kicking some ass. I'm impressed by Schulte though. The Lone Gunman truly was an unparalleled hunter.

This week Scenes From An Execution opens at the Timms. I think it will be a good show. I don't have a lot to do in it but the one big scene I have is one of the hardest one's I've had in my 3 years at the University so it's given me lots to work on. So close to being done now.....I can almost taste the freedom. ...oh wait that's just the Big Turk that I'm eating right now. Delicious!


It seems I can only blog when it's in the A.M.


What do you think of the pic? It was created at the Sugar Bowl with the help of Jules' lappy. The lappy that will hopefully make it's stage debut on a coupla Saturdays. Can you find Arlen? (Hint: He's the one with the boomerang shaped head...)

Alright, but seriously, I have this group project due tomorrow and I am in pain. For those who might not know, I have kidney stones. I've had 5 so far, all produced by lefty, which is why I thought it weird when good ol' reliable righty started hurting a few hours ago. Nothing is official yet, but I am starting to lose hope in the fact that I have at least one good kidney... sigh... But I am chugging litres of water in the effort to flush it out ASAP, which just means I have to pee. A lot.

But enough of medical this-or-that. Let's talk some improv.

So you know how about 2 years ago or so, when I wasn't doing Chimprov, and wasn't really second half, there was this big discussion about what was wrong with Theatre Sports? Why is the first half being better (on some nights) than the second half? The answer I came up with was, lack of caring. I'm not saying that all the second halfers of back then didn't care at all, it just seemed they cared less, because most of their "improv effort" went into the next night, Chimprov. And this makes sense, with Chimprov you get a lot more artistic and creative freedom, you get time, you get set up, and you get paid.

Well... I think we might be there again.

Now, I can't speak for everyone, so I will speak for myself. I know I don't care as much for Theatre Sports as I do the Young Guns and the Nouns, and why should I? I don't mean for that to sound mean, I love Theatre Sports and what it allowed me to accomplish, but it isn't where my heart is at. And it shows. Last week I played the first half, and I thought I was terrible, I mean not compared to some in the first half, but considering the level I should be at, I didn't bring it, and I felt very responsible for the lower quality of that half. I should have been able to save it, and I think I could have, but I didn't. The second half was better, but the first half left a bad taste in my mouth for the whole night.

If there is a silver lining to this problem, it is this: I'm critical of my work and because of that I recognize the problem: I need to care more for Theatre Sports and the improv I do at Theatre Sports. The new problem? I don't know how to make that happen. This is the point when you reply and post a solution to my problem.

And if you have a solution for kidney stones and the pain associated, post that too...


We Need Something...Something New


I just checked the new CHiMP schedule and it looks like April Fools Day (the 1st) will be a Young Guns show. "Sweet" I said outloud, to which my dad said, "Shut the hell up kid!!" ....No he didn't, I think he made me a sandwich, he's cool like that. Anyway, then I said "What the hell are we going to do!?" 'cause we need something new to stimulate our brains that never stop.

Our first form was the one where the chairs placement edited our scenes, that was a blast. Then we did the personal monologues, also sweet and very well received. So how the hell do we keep this big ball of Young Guns energy rolling?

Well I have one idea, so I'll pitch it...

In the vain of the super popular Mash-up, we blend improv with writing. Sounds crazy, but hear me out. We get a theme, two of us start a scene based on that theme. Meanwhile, one of us is off to the side of the stage where a table and lamp are set up, writing something that is inspired by the scene that's currently taking place. Once that person is done writing (a poem, song lyrics, dialog, essay, mock MSN conversation, etc..) they read what they have to the audience. After which they do a scene with one of the other people based on the writing and the theme, something brand new. The third person is off to the side writing, and the cycle continues. I just love the idea of having a new medium in which to inspire us. And maybe this will help jump start the writing of the Young Guns movie.

So Young Guns? And readers? What do you think? Could we add anything, delete anything? Or maybe you have other ideas?

You do? PITCH IT!


Bringin' It Back To Basics


This is my new head shot. I'm very pleased with it. It was taken by a lovely young lady by the name of Meryl Lawton. If you need a headshot, I recommend her!

Young Guns news: Today Joe and I rocked a gig at Ft. Edmonton Park. It was a small, "intimate" crowd and we delivered a pretty solid show I think. Jokes were made, piggy backs were given, and laughs were had. We had a few scenes where we had trouble finding the ending which is something we have been discussing after the last few Theatresports and perhaps we should discuss more.

It was great having Steve back. We're all sad he's gone and gonna miss him.

Talking with my sister and a couple friends yesterday we came up with a game where you get a suggestion and then form a punchline to a non-existant joke out of it. For example:

Suggestion: shoelaces
Punchline: "And then the shoelace said "That's just the tongue's opinion!"

Suggestion: burritos
Punchline: "And THAT's why you put the beans in first!"

Suggestion: birthdays
Punchline: "Woah woah....I didn't know he was epileptic...I guess sprinklers were a bad choice."

Saves you the trouble of coming up with a whole joke and lets the imagination run free!!! Free I tell you!


A Scary Realization



I wish I could write a blog with a less serious tone. But today, I can't do that. So I'm sorry in advance.

Okay... Here it goes

I was thumbing through a magazine at the doctor's office when one page in particular hit me like a ton of anything.

It said, "One in four men have erectile dysfunction"

That's right, mathematically, one of the young guns has E.D. Its a sad truth but a truth no less.

I'm telling you that I will find out which of us is afflicted with this socially debilitating disease by administering random pants-ings. I will go ahead and take my name out of the running due to the fact that I just checked, and "It's all good", like, real good...

So guys, buy a belt...



Waiting For The Crazy...


Do you hear that? That's the sound of a busy week sneaking up behind me and punching me in the brain.

How does this happened? I know I have a crazy week ahead and yet I do nothing to lay the ground work for making it easier. I'm lame that way. But not only that way. I was going to write more, but then I would make myself even more correct. So I'll post a picture version of what I would have said...



Back Home


Either this will work or it won't. And although the above may prove otherwise, there's nothing scarier than improv.

So either this won't work or it will. These three guys, the ones who've been holding down the fort, they've grown in ways I can't imagine. Arlen alone looks like he's gained about twenty pounds, fat fuck. The reparte, the wit, the banter, all of that involves something like instinct and I've been indistinctly absent for a while now. But friends, I mean your good friends, that never changes, I know I never have to worry about getting from the airport into town. And on stage on Saturday night, if I falter, or let the slippery things slide, I know my friends will be there to pick me up, and take me home.

So guys, this motherfucker's for you.

About me

  • I'm one of four Young Guns
  • From E-Ville, Canada
  • I don't like being told what to do.
  • My profile

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