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A short update from a toasty Joe...

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What's up sucka-chumps?
It is I, the Joe. And I am in St. Maartin; however, the internet here costs me whopping $.35US per minute, so I'm going to have to make this fast:
One, the beaches are awesome.
Two, the women on them are (mostly) hot, tanned and topless.
Three, the drinks are cool, alcoholic and plentiful.
Four, you duders want me to bring you back anything?
Five, I can't bring you any of the first three items.
Six, Jules, I'm excessively jealous of your shiny lap warmer.



10 Responses to “A short update from a toasty Joe...”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Joe, I'll have one number one, four number threes, and two number twos. Just pack them up in the same box with a little bit of rice.


  2. Anonymous Anonymous 


    Can you bring me back a Mickey Mouse t-shirt and maybe one of those Pirates Of the Caribbean globe things? Oh...wait..what? oh...I'm sorry... you said St. Maartin.... I thought you said Disney Land. My mistake. Well uh...bring me back some..uh...actually just forget it.



  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    How do you pronounce St. Maartin?

    nothing particular, just a little bet i have with a friend.

    1+2+3 = hot sex on the beach, acutally.

  4. Anonymous Anonymous 


    I'll tell you when you're older.
    Which means, when I get back.

    Because then you would be older.

    By like a few days.

    And now you're even older.

  5. Anonymous Anonymous 

    I would like you to snap some digital pics of all three of the things you claim are so plentiful.

    I just have to see it to believe it.

    So let's see it!

  6. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Nice site!
    [url=]My homepage[/url] | [url=]Cool site[/url]

  7. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Nice site!
    [url=]My homepage[/url] | [url=]Cool site[/url]

  8. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Good design!
    My homepage | Please visit

  9. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Nice site! |

  10. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Nice site! |

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  • I'm one of four Young Guns
  • From E-Ville, Canada
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