Excess and Technology
Published Tuesday, February 21, 2006 by one of four Young Guns | E-mail this post

There is no doubt that everyone has at one time had their heart broken by technology. I mean who hasn't lost an important file on their computer or been cheated on by a robot girlfriend.
But today my friends, technology made me smile. I awoke to a knock at the door at 8:30 am, I was pissed. "Who the hell needs me at this hour?" I thought. I should have known technology knows best. It was Fed-Ex delivering my brand new laptop that had left China only three days prior.
What a sweet piece of excess! More computer than I'll ever need, but just as much as I want. I can now blog, while burning a DVD, while downloading music, while I video conference with the built in camera all while listening to a mash-up on iTunes. Seriously.
I also got my hands on a couple of thousands of dollars worth of free software. 1200$ movie editors I'll maybe use twice, just because I can.
With all this fancy pants techno-rific fun at my fingertips I feel the need to really deliver something on each of these posts. So that being said, comment. What do you want to hear? I'm open to almost everything....
By the way, what do you think of the new header I added to the blog? A little less violent, a little more artistic.
I should definately get some of that excess technology stuff, because obviously, my computer has some problems.
And now I'm expecting AMAZING posts from you.
As to the party you want me to throw, unfortunately I do not have the luxury of an empty friend's house to party in. So...I don't know!
But we'll figure something out.
Have an awesome crazy fun Wednesday!
PS - Secrets are available this week only. One time offer. Haha...
I dig the new header man. It's very cool - as are the young guns.
Take good care of RFT for me while I'm gone, I don't want to return to see The Varscona up in flames. Heck I'd even be pissed if I came back to find Pallier up in flames.
I'm kidding, I have complete faith in you duders. ANd I know for a fact that Pallier is not flammable.
Keep it surreal man,
ohhh you and technology. i have this feeling that you're one of those guys that loves to figure out new codes for html, and pencil-powered ways to update your website, and how to reformat the header on your blog into something less violent but equally awesome. which i respect. that's really all i had to say.
Woot, new header is wicked, i just wish somedays that i could have a new header as well. okay one day maybe. I want to see your lappy, sounds like it could face off against mine in some sort of laptop off. and then mine will go down with honour and yours will be the greatest laptop. Beucase everyone knows that to be the best you need to win something.
hit me back, all of you. even steve.
i saw that computer. its very nice. i needs to get me one. in fact, that one. yes that exact one. you better keep an eye on it, for i am coming to claim it in the name of panas.
Great work!
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