All done.... FOREVER!
Published Wednesday, April 26, 2006 by one of four Young Guns | E-mail this post

So, who thinks I look like Michael Moore? C'mon... just a little? I wish I had his money. That way we could make a movie as good as his.
So, yesterday I wrote my last university final, ever. And now I have to get my application stuff in order, which means I have to get reference letters, and one of them is from my work. I tutor. In fact, I am the only physics and chemistry guy at my work (it's a tutoring company in St. Albert). And the letter of reference my boss wrote for me has a whole paragraph about how I have time management issues, that I am unreliably and not punctual. Other than that it's pretty good. But seriously, who puts that in a reference letter? Especially considering it was in reading the letter that I first heard about these issues. But what's a guy to do, I talk to him about it and he stands by his letter, claiming that it is a good thing to include areas that someone needs to work on in a reference letter, it apparently makes the letter more genuine. And I can't not submit it, it is the letter from my current employer, if I don't include it, it would only make things worse, because it would seem like I've got something to hide. Man, this sucks, I'm damned if I do and I'm damned if I don't, and I KNOW I would make an awesome teacher, if I was given the chance, but with a letter of reference that says I'm not reliable and late all the time (which, is news to me), and thousands of applications from other teacher hopefuls, it is unlikely I will even get an interview.
Sigh... someone what to give me a job? I'm really good, and I promise I will not be late, ever.
Oh well, in the words of my hero: Shania Twain, "Up, up, up I can only go up from here."
Oh Shania, you're always there for me. Man, I feel like woman!
Dude i've said it before, though i think i was on the phone with your girlfriend not you, but that effin sucks. I would quit. But I'm a little overcaffeinated this morning and feeling kind of hotheaded. Seriously though, has he never seen, heard, read or met anyone with a reference letter before and noticed that NO ONE else is putting in "areas for improvement"? We leave those out and put them into the performance reviews where they belong, if we're having them and apparently he's not. Good for you for talking to him I guess, I would have firebombed the tutoring place. Again, maybe the caffeine talking. Would Sheilds pretend you worked for him as a teacher? You could tutor his toddler. Block. Television.
Joe, Let me ask you this?
Does this huge jerk made of dorks know that your about to become a huge movie star? No? Then tell him, then storm out of the room yelling "I'LL BE IN MY TRAILER!" That'll teach his jerky, made of dorks, ass!
Come on folks, lets start the chant.... "QUIT QUIT QUIT!!!"
If you want to convert to Judaism, or Scientology, they are always looking for teachers (rabbis/preists)? Plus then you get to become a big movie star...
I took care of it. But uh...can someone pretend to be me for a few days till the heat dies down?
Yes, if you buy me some of those little white powedered doughnuts and some snapple!
I hate your boss.
No really. I have a serious aching pain of HATRED towards him. I'd like to hurt him.
So, even though that sucks, the good news is you were really funny at Theatresports on Friday. My friend and I were very impressed, it was quite enjoyable.
Thanks Marzipan.
By the way Pom-pom and I were wondering if you could make us some wood-davers.
Just thought I would post an update on the situation. You know, in case anyone is actually reading the comments. I spoke with my boss about changing the letter, and he agreed that he would, once I've demonstrated that I have changed my unreliable and unpunctual ways. So, at the end of June, if I have indeed become a changed man, he will rewrite the section and add that I have shown improvement in the neccessary areas.
Huzzah! The end of June! Why, that wouldn't be too late to submit my applications at all! I know, I was wanting to get them in by mid-May at the latest, so you know, it would show to the school board people that I am reliable and not a procrastinator, but that's fine. Yeah, the end of June is fine.