Published Wednesday, June 21, 2006 by one of four Young Guns | E-mail this post
...for one night only!
Tonight, Wednesday, june 21st, is our Improvaganza showcase. We will be bringing the funny infront of some of the best improvisors in the world, so you know we'll be on our game! So come down and watch, support, laugh, have a general good 'ol time.
As if that wasn't enough, we have decided to take a guest with us for the first time ever. But who will it be?! Maybe Lee White of Winnipeg's crumbs? Maybe Kurt Smeaton from the T Dot? Perhaps Rene Delafont of Atlanta? You'll have to be there to find out.
8pm @ the Varscona theatre!

P.s. Also come check out Arlens new shoes...THEY'RE NEW!!
Love, Julian
And by June 24th, you meant June 21st I'm assuming.
Can't wait to see what you're up to next. = )
I know who it is! I think i might ruin it! Somebody stop me! Somebody stop me!
The "secret guest" is none other than - ACKKK!.... hellllp.... dart.... poisoned......................