Four Young Men... Four Young Minds... For Young Ladies...

And I'm Off!

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Tommorow I head out for the month long Fringe tour of Scratch. We are in Toronto until the 18th and then to Winnipeg for the rest of the month. I am a little bit nervous and very excited. I feel ready to rock the house. These last two weeks have been busy prepping all promotional stuff and making sure everything is in order and now all there is to do is jump on the plane and do it up! It will also be fun chilling in Toronto these next couple weeks doing a couple of Catch 23 shows and hopefully watching a baseball game. I'm also gonna try and make a trip to Stratford to see the long lost Young Gun Steve.

Losing Will is on hiatus until I get back and then the first two weeks of August are gonna be crazy finishing everything off. Oh boy! Then of course all the post-production that will still need to be completed. August shall be packed to the brim!

But now I have to finish packing and get a good night sleep. Wish me luck! I will post when I can and let everyone know how the shows are going.

Take care everyone! I will see you in August!

Hugs and kisses from me to you!


PS: ALSO TD! I miss you.

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  • I'm one of four Young Guns
  • From E-Ville, Canada
  • I don't like being told what to do.
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