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A trip in pictures (so far)

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Some picture from my trip to D.C. ENJOY! more to follow....

I was glad to see this revolution. It's about time those christians took the reins of western society.

Here are some old people that i liked the look of. Horde that water old man!

The swedish chef! YES!

The flag from the Pentagon...Red, White and BORING!

A good question. This is why i put my name on my horrible inflictions, so if i lose it, someone will send it back to me!

Any uber-american picture you guys want to see? Or any picture at all? I'm taking photo requests!

U.S. eh? U.S. eh?


3 Responses to “A trip in pictures (so far)”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Hey Jules, read the red shirts again, I think you'll find that they say revoultion not revolution. It's only the swapping of two letters, but it completely changes the meaning of the word and how I feel about a pack of teenagers wearing them.

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Hey Julian.
    Glad to hear your trip is going well.
    Since your taking photo requests, i've got two for you.
    1.Smithsonian Institution building. "the Castle". I just think its a beautiful building with great landscaping.
    2. I dare you to try and find and take a picture of a sundial with an inchworm on it. Don't ask. Its just what popped into my head. haha.


  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Hi Bagel.
    How about a picture of a laundromat? Since you're in WASHINGton and all.
    Or something equally clever.
    That is my challenge to you.
    Love from,
    A toaster.

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  • I'm one of four Young Guns
  • From E-Ville, Canada
  • I don't like being told what to do.
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