Four Young Men... Four Young Minds... For Young Ladies...

Cute, but deadly


Hey everyone!

I found this picture of a albino Pygmy Marmoset monkey that was born in sweden just a few days ago.

Whoa! that is cute. But also, Whoa! that is creepy.

However, i belive they were unable to keep it alive. Which may not have been a bad thing. I mean look at what it could have grown to in the coming years...

Scary...but true.


I've had enough of looking at Joe's gross hand!


Hey Hey Hey!

The Fringe is on-going and taking up a bunch of time, way more time than it should... greedy fringe. We have been bumpin' in the Iron Horse all week long with three different shows. The Improvised Cartoon has had some good reviews and crowds, as have The Crumbs. And Theatresports has been as good as theatresports at the fringe can be, which is pretty good! even better than i thought it would be.

We have also starting our last few days of filming. I followed the RV we're using in my car as Mike got a bunch of B-Roll footage of it driving around. Movie Magic Revealed! Lucky for Joe he didn't have any horrible mishaps this time, Three Cheers for Joe and his coordination!

As for Steve Kent, AKA. The Lost Young Gun, he just got a review of the show he is in in Stratford. You can read the Article here but in order to save you time i've copied and pasted the paragraph about him for you.

"And Stephen Kent makes a vivid impression, turning the dryly functional role of Philiste into a kind of frat boy gone bad who winds up wearing only a towel and leading some cast members from the Avon Theatre's production of London Assurance across the stage in the middle of a climactic scene."

Steve in only a towel?! And no one to slap his back in a comical fashion!? What the hell are they theaching him over there!?

Steve... We owe you one! SLAP!

Peace y'all


oh and go see scratch, again.

Steve loves his Willy...

The Aftermath...


Hey, Joe here... here are some pics of my injury described by Arlen in the post below. Warning these are not for the faint of heart, or the faint of butt...

Right Leg
Left Leg
Right Arm
Left Hand... This one makes it fun to type, and by fun, I mean incredsibly difdfdicult. Fucxk.
Goddamn pinky keewps hittring more than onew key.





I'm home again after another trip up to Ft. McMurray filming more stuff. We were shooting at the cliff again and there was a slight accident. Mike and I climbed down this steep cliff to get a shot of Joey walking along the cliff then scaling down, but when Joey began scaling down the ground gave way and he slipped pretty bad falling a good 10 feet approximately. His fingers were cut really badly along with his arms, legs and stomach all being scraped up. However, we did get it all on camera and will be able to use the shot so on the bright side, his pain was not for nothing. Joey was a trooper and we continued shooting for another half hour then we realized we had to get back up from the ravine we were in. We spent the next hour climbing a 250 meter cliff, which in retrospect was really dangerous. But we are all home and intact and done shooting in Ft. Mac. Just a few more scenes then we are done filming. I'm pretty excited, but it's still a fair amount.

Also, the fringe starts on Thursday! In case you haven't heard, my show Scratch will have 7 shows and I hope as many people as possible can come and see it. If you are reading this I ask you to check it out and bring as many of your friends as you can muster up. Kevin and I have been working really hard and I feel like right now Scratch is pretty awesome. I'm proud of the show.

We are at Stage 7, the Royal Canadian Legion. Our times are:

Aug. 17th - 8pm
Aug. 19th - 1:45pm
Aug. 23rd - 2:30pm
Aug. 24th - noon
Aug. 25th - 11:30pm
Aug. 26th - 6:15pm
Aug. 27th - 8:15pm

Hope to see you at Scratch! :)


PS: Our myspace page is right here.

Scratch at the Edmonton Fringe


Arlen (Via Jules)

We're doing it!


We're really doing it. After working our little tails off in May and a little bit in June we managed to get a significant part of the movie completed, but now... today... we really see if we have the guts; the will; the drive; the intestinal fortitude to finish this thing we call the greatest movie ever made, a.k.a. Losing Will.

What does that mean for you? Well, you can expect some pretty wicked updates as well as some pretty juicy behind the camera gossip (for instance: Julian. Post-op male? The answer to that question is yes, Julian "middle name" Faid was in fact not born a man, he became one). What else? What else? Oh, we'll probably post some awesome screen shots as the editing progresses, we might even re-post the trailer, probably not a new trailer, but who knows?

Oh, one last thing... since production has fired up again we'll probably start asking for favours again, like when we asked for all your help with being an extra, that was fun, right? Best time of your lives, it was. So, let's get this favour train a rollin'.

Is there any friend of the Young Guns who has access to a pool? We need one that looks like it would be in a Hotel, so apartment buildings would work, even outdoor built-in pools could be made, through the power of "movie magic", to look hotel-esque. So yeah, if you can help, or know someone we should talk to, please contact us. We might even be willing to throw you a little something in return, like a spot in the credits perhaps, maybe even with the title of "poolologist".

So... if you've got a pool, or know anyone who does that would be willing to help e-mail Arlen Konopaki at

Any help you can offer is certainly appreciated,




I am back home in Edmonton. But for less than 24 hours as I am heading home to Ft. McMurray to help my family with the last of packing up our old house. It is a strange feeling moving out of the home you grew up in. Then of course, we are gonna be finishing the movie for the next 2 weeks after that till the Fringe here.

The Winnipeg Fringe was excellent. Kev and I did 28 shows over 11 days. We are certainly looking forward to a bit of down time. Scratch continued rocking the houses and we also won Improv Idol on the outdoor stage, our finest moment life. Plus, we met a ton of really awesome people. However I have to admit going to sleep at 5 in the morning for many consecutive days starts to EFF with your head.

So now after some hours of chillin at home I gotta head out again. I can't stop or I may never start again. It feels good to be home but also slightly weird.

Blah. I need some time to clear my head! And I also need gum. Anyone have a piece of gum I can have?



Children are the future...


Hey Hey Hey,

Here's something funny. It makes me laugh AND updates the blog with minimal effort. Bam, a Twofer!

They're "Crazy in Love"... with naps!

"This Shit is Bananas... B-A-N-A... This feels like homework."

OKAY! I'm officially ready to have a kid, so long as he looks like this. YEAH!! WHAT!?

These pictures make me CRUNK!

Jules Faid

About me

  • I'm one of four Young Guns
  • From E-Ville, Canada
  • I don't like being told what to do.
  • My profile

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