Something Different...
Published Sunday, December 24, 2006 by one of four Young Guns | E-mail this post
I know this isn't the usual Young Guns stuff, there won't be any talk of improv shows or upcoming pluggery, so if that is what you came for, well... sorry. Wow... I couldn't come up with anything witty, I'm usually good at that. Well, I laugh. At myself.
Okay... So you know the movie Garden State, when Zack Braff is talking with Natalie Portman in the pool about the concept of "home"? Yeah... That's me. I had a home for a very long time, it was with my parents. Then I successfully transitioned into a two-bedroom apartment with a good friend that after a little bit felt like home. Then it was a one-bedroom apartment with a girlfriend that definitely felt like home. But now that is gone. Well the apartment is still there, but the feeling is gone. So I find myself back at my parents (Christmas visiting) although I feel a bit like a refugee, trying to seek shelter, trying to find warmth and safety and comfort, because my house, that used to be my home, doesn't provide those things anymore. But neither does my parents' house. This isn't my home anymore. So here I find myself with more than one roof I could live under but neither feel right. Do I have a right to complain? No, because as stated in the previous sentence I have two roofs I could sleep under, which is twice more than a lot of people in this world. So this isn't a rant about how much life sucks or whatever, this is me needing a forum, needing to lay out a bit of what is going on with me in the hopes that this will perhaps provide some insight. So yeah... there you have it.
Merry Christmas everyone! (Just so you know there was a tone shift between that last paragraph and this seasons greetings, so don't read it sarcastically or laced with any depression subtext, I can assure you that I do not throw my "Merry Christmases" around lightly and this one was delivered quite genuinely.)
Who's forum is this... I am guessing Joe's... but I could be wrong, for I see no name.
Whose dear. The question is whose.
I don't know if I have insight. But I have thoughts. And a whole basket of opinions. So.
Patience little grasshopper. Home doesn't become home because you move there, it's the stuff you do. All of these different homes have entailed different things, different people, different periods. And a different you. So, while now you feel a little like a refugee, what awaits you is a new home, that you don't know yet, that you will build through personal growth and maturation. I think that, looking back at your homes, you can see that you were a different Joe in all of them, and that you were a better, older, wiser Joe in all of them. The transitions and the things that had to happen in between were not always pleasant, but they always led you to bigger, better more fulfilling things. So you can rest assured that the next home you make will be the best one yet, and that you will be the best Joe yet.
That said, grief is natural, and painful. Home is a big thing, much more than we realize, routines, relationships, habits, feelings, smells and all the rest. Leaving one behind is sad and hard and we feel lost. And we can't help it. So, feel what you must. But try and look around and remember that you are loved, and your parent's home has not changed, just your relationship to it, which means that you must have changed, and try and be proud of the person you've become, and excited about what the future will be.
Hey Joe. I hope you feel so well, always. You really do deserve it. You are so loved by so many people, and I know I certainly look up to you a lot. Having recently changed homes this year, I know how bizaar it can be. Please know that wherever you are, you're still wonderful you, and I hope that you can find comfort in that. Happy Holidays, Joe. See you soonish!
Don't feel bad about complaining Joe...obviously you have your head on straight and realize that you are lucky...but at the same's ok....cuz how many people out there would give up their 'house' for a real 'home'? Tons I bet! It's that whole, money can't buy happiness type deal-ee-o.
I hope you remember there are more people out there that care about you than you probably realize. And if you ever need a helping hand or an arm to give you support...well by golly, you'd have a plethora!
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