Four Young Men... Four Young Minds... For Young Ladies...

Start Spreading The News...

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So you know the January 6th Young Guns show? Okay, well if you didn't before, you know now. And why should you know? Well, it marks the return of the 4th Young Gun:Steve Kent. But here is the deal: I am going to be in Palm Springs, so it would be Arlen, Jules (probably carrying all the weight) and Steve (whom we all refer to, lovingly, as hack).

But that was then. I was like "You know what? No! I have the chance to do something really great here, I'm not letting this opportunity slip past me, I'm a Young Gun dammit!" So I said "NO!" to warm weather, I said "NO!" to scantily clad hotties and I said "NO!" to an awkward trip with Laura's parents so that I could say "YES!" to destiny.

So start marking your calendars, gathering your friends and preparing your sides for splitting. Because on January 6th the planets will align and all 4 original Young Guns will be on stage (for the last time ever?!) so you DON'T WANT TO MISS IT.


28 Responses to “Start Spreading The News...”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    THat's what I call dedication.

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Oh Snap son!

    That pop you just heard....

    My mind being totally FUCKIN' blown!

    now if you will excuse me, i have some brain matter to clean up.

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Tell me that something else is keeping you back... cause I dont see why you would give up an entire trip for one show (not that it wouldnt be great) but still, tell the truth Joe, are you scared of flying?

  4. Anonymous Anonymous 

    No mystery boy, if that is your real name, and I highly suspect that it ISN'T! On the contrary I love to fly. The real reason has to do with falling out of love, and that is a story for another day. Or perhaps... a monologue?

  5. Anonymous Anonymous 

    I so very sorry Joe... but as you can see I WAS RIGHT. But you were as well for my name is not boy... in fact i am not a boy at all... i am a girl and i would invite you to fall in love with me.

  6. Anonymous Anonymous 


    Mo' Drama than "The Real World"!

  7. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Hmm... An invitation to fall in love with someone who is clearly confused with their gender.

    I'm in.

    Girl who was formerly known as boy, I think you are I are going to be very happy together.

  8. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Joe, you're already taken.
    Stop misleading this young, vulnerable woman.

  9. Anonymous Anonymous 

    . - He's wide open. Somewhere between "falling out of love" and the homeless post I think someone was trying to send us a message...about his new address in singledom...

  10. Anonymous Anonymous 

    I don't know if I would say "wide open" but perhaps, a little open. It's a sticky situation, and it doesn't help that someone has covered me in maple syrup, that stuff is STICKY!

  11. Anonymous Anonymous 

    See Joe, now those girls are right... You're so sweet!

  12. Anonymous Anonymous 

    That is unfair! SO unfair!

    Joe just took the first offer that was laid on the table! No one else even had the chance to pipe up for "falling in love" dibs!

    I mean, can't we at least submit resumes? Or Joe hold auditions or something???

  13. Anonymous Anonymous 

    No "Hot Mystery Girl" He has already said yes to me and that is that. Next time try to be on top of things, and then maybe you might find your true love over the internet.
    I mean auditions... come on this isnt a reality show, and if it were we would have to do it Big Brother fashion.

  14. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Jules, I need your help! This has never happened before, two girls (one who thought she was a boy and the other shrouded in mysterious hotness) are both vying for my love. What should I do?

  15. Anonymous Anonymous 

    I like how you look to Jules for help.
    When he was only having a friendly conversation with a fan
    (a couple of blog posts back) you freaked
    & started stating scientific methods and quoting the bible.
    what should he do now?
    Return the gesture,
    or be a nice person and just give the advice needed?

  16. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Give the advice needed....which is go for the hot one!

    And I like how he looked to Jules...not Arlen or Stephen!

    Hot Myste....*ahem*


  17. Anonymous Anonymous 

    "Umm, yes, Producer of Laguna Beach? I have an episode idea!" ;)

  18. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Okay asdf, first I wasn't quoting scientific method, I was describing Planck's Quantum Hypothesis. Second, that "friendly conversation" you spoke of from back on Sept. 23 was chalk full of innuendo and even bordered on risqué. And third, ?, I ask Jules for help more than Arlen or Steve for two reasons: 1. Arlen and Steve hardly ever check or update the blog (this is exemplified by the lack of comments in this very comment filled blog post). 2. Jules seems to have a certain charm with (and therefore knowledge of) the ladies (this is exemplified by the comments posted in the Sept. 23 blog post from ladies to Jules).
    And Jules, I am still waiting on my advice.
    And Arlen, grow a pair and make a comment.
    And Steve, you'll get yours on Saturday at CHiMPROV, if you don't know what I'm talking about ask Arlen about his back, and how he now has a scar.
    Arlen, show them a pic of the scar.
    It's time we got our shit together.

  19. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Okay Joe I am so done waiting around for you... I like a man that knows what he wants and goes for it, and even if he didnt know would not ask his friend for help. I think its clear what I should do, I should go for Jules. I say this because of the following reasons: 1. Jules seems to be the man of your relationship, and considering I don't know what I am (I am a girl) this would be useful 2. as was stated by yourself "Jules seems to have a certain charm with (and therefore knowledge of) the ladies"... thats hot, and finally number 3. He is moving soon so if it doesnt work out we can always blame it on the distance.
    Sorry Joe, but you had your chance.

  20. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Story of my life...
    Man, if I had 1.8 million dollars for every time Julian stole my love (or potential love) away from me, I'd be a freakin' millionaire.
    Well Jules, it seems your charm has worked again, or at least the mention of your charm, you didn't even really have to do anything, I feel like I may be owed some sort of match-makers fee. Anyway, I hope you are really happy with girl (who at one point "thought" she was a boy).

  21. Anonymous Anonymous 

    she didn't deserve you in the 1st place.

    Keep your chin up, bud.

  22. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Yikes! all this drama!

    Hey Joe thanks for the hook-up on the He/She, good looking out!

    I'm not sure what charm you think I have... The real reason is the ladies have a certain charm with me. I'm defenseless!

    But if you need anymore advice, i'll be glad to help you out.


  23. Anonymous Anonymous 

    All this drama is driving me...London Style.

  24. Anonymous Anonymous 

    And then I say something.

  25. Anonymous Anonymous 

    I can only speak for myself, and myself says "I look foward to this Saturday" Fact!

  26. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Hey Arlen! Nice contribution! BURN!

  27. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Hey guys come on now... i think its time we stop calling me a he/she, I fully a girl, everyone has had his or her doughts.
    P.S- so what are you doing tonight Jules? rapidfire? I'll I'll be the girl in the dress...:)
    P.P.S- I am women hear me roar.

  28. Anonymous Anonymous 

    No longer in the throws of a gender identity crisis, Girl moves on to a multiple personality disorder.

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  • I'm one of four Young Guns
  • From E-Ville, Canada
  • I don't like being told what to do.
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