Well the audition tour was a success! I felt good about the auditions I did so, we'll wait and see. All the theatres were nice, with The Globe Theatre in Regina being particularly beautiful. Chilled a few days in Winnipeg, walking around, seeing the sights. It's a bittersweet time saying goodbye to my classmates, the people I've spent all my time with for the last 3 years, but it's time for us to part our ways and kick some ass. I wish them all the best in the future. But I wish myself even bester! HAHA take that former allies!
I would like to highly encourage and recommend that everyone read at least one play by Edward Albee. He is my favorite playwright and I think his stuff is pretty much brilliant. To start I would recommend: The Zoo Story (my personal favorite), Who's Afraid Of Virginia Woolf?, The American Dream, The Goat or Who is Sylvia and A Delicate Balance. I've been working through all his plays in the last while and really all his stuff is terrific.
Now, after a few days home I leave again for a week. Where you ask? This time I'm off to Toronto to meet up with Kevin where we will make our Toronto debut of SCRATCH at the Catch 23 Tournament of Wonders. I am super excited. It will be great to see Kevin again AND it will be great to rock Scratch in the big T.O. I'll let you know how it goes. You can check out the info.
HERE! And if you happen to be reading this and in Toronto....come check it out!
And now, in the hopes of attracting more people to our blog through search engines I will post some words I imagine are searched for a lot:
Boobs, Star Wars, sex, porn, Freddie Prinze Jr., magic, sexy jpegs, internet dating, breasticles, cures for the common cold, George W. Bush, sexy boobie porn, delicious yams, blog, peace, online poker, free stuff, nude pics of Rapid Fire Theatre's hunky Josh Dean, the daily news, tips, Donald Sutherland, how-to, the Pittsburgh Pirates, hotmail, balls, to, the, wall, rock, out, with, your, cock, out, Google, help, videos, free essays, Tennessee Williams, mangina and finally, Joey Vanderhelm.
Fingers crossed! Let's hope we get a few more hits!
WATCH OUT TORONTO HERE I COME! Here is how I will look under the big city lights:

Talk to you all in a week!