Four Young Men... Four Young Minds... For Young Ladies...

Look out U.S Capital...


...the RFT army is on it's way!

I'm off to D.C with Mark Meer tomorrow as part of the Smithsonian Folklife Festival which, in this it's 40th year, will be celebrating Alberta's Arts Check out Alberta In DC. Mark and I, along with two people from the Loose Moose Theatre in Calgary, are the theatre component for all of Alberta. But really, what other theatre exists in Alberta besides Improv?

I'm there 'till the 12th of July and our schedule is crazy. Two shows every day with only a couple of days off in between. Plus they have given us "topics" for a lot of our shows.

For example: Alberta Explains U.S. Culture! (I see this ending in one of us shot)
Albertan Culture Explained! (I think we'll reenact the Whyte Ave riots)
and my personal favorite, Alberta Weather! ("Hi, we're Rapid Fire Theatre! The Weather is Cold. Good Night!")

We also have a bunch of Calgary Vs Edmonton Theatresports matches which i'm sure will leave no doubt as to who rules Alberta Improv (Fort Mac, AM I RIGHT?! HELLO!)

I do get to be there for the 4th of July Celebrations which I’m sure will have vomit inducing amounts of patriotism. Mark and I plan on seeing Superman that day, wearing our Uncle Sam hats, eating apple pie, after enrolling in the Army and shooting someone. USA USA USA!

I'll be updating as much as i can, so check back to see how it's all going down.

A huge thanks to all who attended the 'Ganza.

P.s. I feel we should get rid of Gravity, it's been holding us down for way too long.

With that, a kiss goodbye Edmonton


Young Guns Showcase at Improvaganza 2006




...for one night only!

Tonight, Wednesday, june 21st, is our Improvaganza showcase. We will be bringing the funny infront of some of the best improvisors in the world, so you know we'll be on our game! So come down and watch, support, laugh, have a general good 'ol time.

As if that wasn't enough, we have decided to take a guest with us for the first time ever. But who will it be?! Maybe Lee White of Winnipeg's crumbs? Maybe Kurt Smeaton from the T Dot? Perhaps Rene Delafont of Atlanta? You'll have to be there to find out.
8pm @ the Varscona theatre!

P.s. Also come check out Arlens new shoes...THEY'RE NEW!!

Love, Julian

The Moment You Have All Been Waiting For...



Here is the trailer for "Losing Will". I hope you all enjoy it... It was well received at the Segments screening, getting a good amount of laughs and "audience buzz" after it ran. Production continues... we will keep you posted...we are very excited. Also, this Wednesday we have our showcase at Improvaganza at 8pm. It's gonna be a great show with a very special guest performing with us (the first we've had! expect hilarity!). Check it out if you can! :)


Let's Get Ready To Rock


Wow. I just had a fucking amazing week in Vancouver. I didn't want it to end. The Instant Theatre boys sure know how to throw a festival. I met some super cool people and had the chance to play with a whole gang of terrific improvisers. I watched some truly brilliant improv. Our two workshop leaders Sutton and Razowsky did perhaps the best improv show I've seen. Kevin and I rocked two really, really great shows that I was very proud of. We have 17 shows of Scratch in July and I feel ready to take them on. Now I'm home and neck deep in work again. So much stuff to do on the film now, plus getting all our publicity ready for the tour. But I'm ready for it. great as this summer is I also now have a very wonderful reason to look forward to the end of August.... :)


Music is saved


Mike Robertson and I should have a band...

We would rock the world...

We would save music from the Top 40 "blahs"...

Our name would be Funk Rabbit, and this would be our poster...

Music, you're welcome.


What cha doin' this weekend...?


Hey you...

Wanna get something for nothing? Of course you do!

I was able to get RFT to run a little promotion for this weekends Chimprov. Seeing as how the OIlers little playoff run has seriously destroyed our attendance numbers due to 30,000 people being on Whyte on any given Oiler game night, i figured we needed a way to get people to come to our shows. Because a packed house makes all the difference.

So, in the style of the chant "Oilers win, show some skin!" This saturdays chimprov is "Oilers win, it's free to get in!"

And even if they lose, if you wear an oilers jersey, it's just five bucks!

So come and watch, Me and Crad will be rocking out troupe "Crazyname". Really, what do you have to lose? It could be free! And you won't need to brave whyte ave or "show some skin". Unless you want to...


Speaking of skin... Check this picture.

Losing Will



So, filming is on a little bit of a hiatus while Mike and I edit the footage we do have. Let me tell awesome. We are cutting a trailer to put in front of a movie screening here in Edmonton called "Segments" by the fellows at Tyrant Pictures. We will likely post it on here in a week and a half or two weeks time. So check it!!

We have also decided on a title. The movie is going to be called "Losing Will".

And now tommorow I leave for Vancouver with Kevin to do Scratch at the improv festival out there. We had a great show last night and I feel we are ready to begin phase 2 of our tour. I hope everyone has a great week! :)


PS: For any of you with myspace go HERE!

Update?! OKAY!


Hello you!

Boy have we been busy. Two solid weeks of filming has flown by. We took a trip to "Boom Town" Fort Mac for a weekend and have been filming on location all over Edmonton, i.e. The Powerplant Bar and Murriettas on Whyte as well as one nice hotel and one "blood stains on the roof" motel. (Thanks to all the extras that helped out!)

In order to keep you in the know here are a few screen captures of the movie. They look good, "all wide screen and shit" as Mike says, and they aren't even colour corrected so they'll look even better. I wish I could tell everyone more about the movie but I don't want to give anything away! Hint: It's going to F'n rule.

Peace out!


About me

  • I'm one of four Young Guns
  • From E-Ville, Canada
  • I don't like being told what to do.
  • My profile

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