...the RFT army is on it's way!
I'm off to D.C with Mark Meer tomorrow as part of the Smithsonian Folklife Festival which, in this it's 40th year, will be celebrating Alberta's Arts
Check out Alberta In DC. Mark and I, along with two people from the Loose Moose Theatre in Calgary, are the theatre component for all of Alberta. But really, what other theatre exists in Alberta besides Improv?
I'm there 'till the 12th of July and our schedule is crazy. Two shows every day with only a couple of days off in between. Plus they have given us "topics" for a lot of our shows.
For example: Alberta Explains U.S. Culture! (I see this ending in one of us shot)
Albertan Culture Explained! (I think we'll reenact the Whyte Ave riots)
and my personal favorite, Alberta Weather! ("Hi, we're Rapid Fire Theatre! The Weather is Cold. Good Night!")
We also have a bunch of Calgary Vs Edmonton Theatresports matches which i'm sure will leave no doubt as to who rules Alberta Improv (Fort Mac, AM I RIGHT?! HELLO!)
I do get to be there for the 4th of July Celebrations which I’m sure will have vomit inducing amounts of patriotism. Mark and I plan on seeing Superman that day, wearing our Uncle Sam hats, eating apple pie, after enrolling in the Army and shooting someone. USA USA USA!
I'll be updating as much as i can, so check back to see how it's all going down.
A huge thanks to all who attended the 'Ganza.
P.s. I feel we should get rid of Gravity, it's been holding us down for way too long.

With that, a kiss goodbye Edmonton