Everybodies blogging for the weekend
Published Sunday, July 02, 2006 by one of four Young Guns | E-mail this post
Alright, so I've been harassed by Arlen and Julian long enough and finally the guilt has gotten to me, so I will blog. But I am not heading off for weeks of fringe shows, and I am certainly not representing an entire province in the United States of America's capital. No, for me life right now is in boxes. That's right, I'M moving! Down 12 stories, 5 blocks away and up another 12 stories. There were many reasons for the move, but that is not what I want to tell you about. What I would like to tell you about is how I think the moving process is stupid. An example. My girlfriend and I had to be out of our old building by noon on June 30th, but the soonest we could take possession of our new place was July 1st, which means for that evening of the 30th we were homeless. Now, fortunately for us we have family in the city that could put us and our cat up for the night, and I suppose if you didn't a hotel or motel for one night wouldn't be so bad right? Well... what if because of a lack of moving vans in this city for rent you actually had to move out on June 28th, then it is three days you would be homeless. But then what if the new building you are moving into couldn't actually move you in until the 3rd because the apartment you are moving into needs 36 hours of labour to restore it to prime condition and all the moving elevators were booked up. Well, then I guess it would be 5 days you were homeless. But then what if U-haul said you couldn't keep their truck for five days, well, then I guess you would have to unload all the stuff from the truck into your girlfriend's parent's garage and then on July 3rd load it all back on and then over to your new place. But then what if on July 1st when you went over to inspect your new apartment you found that the walls were beautiful and carpets were nicely steam cleaned but the hardwood was simply destroyed, and the landlord told you that it should have been done by now, but with it being a holiday weekend the hardwood people probably wouldn't make it in until Tuesday, July 4th. But wait a minute, you were supposed to move in the day before, but you can't do that when there will be a crew in your apartment the next day using toxic chemicals. So now what do you do? Well, I suppose you put off your move until Thursday, July 6th. So now, instead of being homeless for one night and only needing a moving truck once, we need the truck two times and we have no apartment for 8 days. Now again, we are lucky to have family in the city who are willing to put up with us for that long, but what would you do if didn't? Well, I guess you would continue to live in a hotel, and that would certainly start to get expensive, and what would you do with your cat? Well, I guess you would have her put up in a kennel, but that too would start to add up.
I guess I will just count my blessings and hope that on July 6th our apartment is finally ready.
I love you Joey.
Why have you stopped calling me?