The Land Of Wonders
Published Friday, July 07, 2006 by one of four Young Guns | E-mail this post
Today we went to Canada's Wonderland. Oh. My. God. It was a lot of fun. I have to admit I get fairly scared when faced with crazy rides but I was surprised how much I handled today. That being all the most extreme rides there were. We got there early and very first thing Mo, Kevin's girlfriend Allyson and Allyson's roommate Andrea headed for the TOP GUN ROLLERCOASTER OF DEATH. I believe it was the most intense ride in the park. Kevin and I were quite apprehensive (actually Kevin started crying so badly he had to be sedated by security) but evenutally we just went for it and really pushed it to the max. Once on the ride, as we began our slow climb to the top before dropping I was wishing so bad that I hadn't actually gotten on the ride. I was asking myself why...why did I do this? But then the ride got going and it was a lot of fun and I was fine. After that I felt I could handle anything so we proceeded to tackle such monsters as THE TOMB RAIDER, and THE ITALIAN JOB, and THE VORTEX and my personal favorite, THE BAT.
A couple funny things. As I was riding THE ITALIAN JOB SPEED RACER ROLLERCOATER FROM HELL I almost blacked out which is funny enough in itself but there was a lady sitting behind me with her two young kids and the whole time we were riding it she was swearing up a storm yelling, "Fuck! Shit! Shit! Fuck!" and so on. Then when we finally stopped there was an exchange that went a little something like this:
Lady: Fuck. That was horrible. Fuck that was worse that the last fucking one.
Little kid: But Mom! Didn't you find it fun at all?!
Lady: No! It was fucking terrifying.
I thought that was really funny. Also to defuse some of my intense nerves on the scary rides Kevin and I did this bit (which was admittedly stolen from a Montreal improviser we saw on Monday) that went a little something like this:
(As rollercoaster is climbing before drop of death)
Arlen: La la la...what a lovely day! Why nothing could possibly go wrong. I feel as though I'm on top of the world! Nothing could - (rollercoaster drops) OH MOTHER OF GOD WHY!?!?!?! WHY LORD IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME!?!!? OH GOD I'M IN HELL! I'M IN HELLLL!!!!!
Our next show is at 11pm tommorow. We are hitting the handbilling hard tommorow to try and pack the show. Hopefully the reviews will help a lot with that as well. Wish us luck! I'll keep you posted!
ARLEN! fuck! shit! shit! fuck! i miss you!
congratulations on your show, i wish i could see you rock it out.
come back home soon!
DANI! Where have you been? Good to hear from you. Thanks for the well wishes, we will be back in Edmonton at the beginning of August. Take care you!