Four Young Men... Four Young Minds... For Young Ladies...

Alright Already...

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So, I guess my last post wasn't very popular, (based on the fact that it received zero comments) so I'll try again.

It's like this friendlies, due to some scheduling whatevers, the Young Guns have been asked to pick up some improv slack this weekend and the next. What this means for you is a whole LOT of the youngest guns around, and even some Young Guns performing in their other troupes. So, check this out.

Tomorrow, Saturday September 30th You'll get a double dose of Arlen as CHiMPROV has it's foundation rocked by the wicked combo of YOUNG GUNS and SCRATCH.

Then, next weekend the 6th and 7th of October RFT puts on 4 shows in 1 weekend (I know, the math boggles the mind!) 2 PRIMETIME SHOWS!

Friday, October 6th PRIMETIME: The first half will feature a little TheatreSports action where at least one Young Gun will tickle you just right with some short-form improv hilarity, then in the second half, you loved them at the Fringe, you loved them just the week before, now it's their turn to love YOU, if you've got an itch, now is your chance to SCRATCH it! Bam! We only give your sides 6 days to recover from their splitting injury before you will no doubt need to return to the ER.

Friday, October 6th TheatreSports: Oh, you know the Young Guns will be representing.

Saturday, October 7th PRIMETIME: We're like Eminem in this hizzy in the fact that we are back, back again, guess whose back, (no it's not shady) it's the motha-friggin' YOUNG GUNS! Sure to destroy the second half of the Primetizzle show, bring your parents, bring your friends, heck, bring your friends' parents and their friends, we'll take you all on, with comedy!

Then, that very seem evening of the 7th of October, at CHiMPROV it's the season premiere of CRAZY NAME. What's so crazy about a name anyway? You'll have to come by and see.

So, you might be thinking to yourself, with so much Young Gun in the next two weeks, there couldn't possibly be a down-side to this. Well, unfortunately there is. Because RFT is serving us up so much, so quick, we aren't scheduled to rock the CHiMP again until December.

So, think of these next two weeks as your chance to fatten up before you hibernate for the winter, because I mean, hey! We're all mammals here right? Unless your gaddamn lizard got out of this cage again and is checkin' out our blog. In which case, I say: "Hey Lizard! Round up all your reptile and amphibian friends and come check out TheatreSports tonight and CHiMPROV tomorrow, call for reservations: 448-0695. Go lizard! Do it now!

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  • I'm one of four Young Guns
  • From E-Ville, Canada
  • I don't like being told what to do.
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