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Have you seen this man?

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12 Responses to “Have you seen this man?”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    What a gorgeous hunk of a man.
    I look forward to seeing him (and the other 3 Young Guns...I guess)on Saturday!

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Nice try Steve, we all know that you are the real Kat.

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    I know this one, I know this one . . .


    Kent .

  4. Anonymous Anonymous 

    i agree with kat...steven is beautiful.
    and i too, look forward to saturday's performance. it will bring back memories :)

  5. Anonymous Anonymous 

    He looks like an "Actor"...(capital A)

  6. Anonymous Anonymous 

    He looks like an "Actor"...(capital A)

  7. Anonymous Anonymous 

    More like Hack-tor! (Capital Hack!)


  8. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Oh man! Steve just got burned SO hard! And it's funny too because if your split up the word "actor" like ac-tor, the first syllable rhymes with "hack", therefore making the new word "hacktor".

  9. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Today's the day.

    Strut your stuff, Steve!

  10. Anonymous Anonymous 

    So excited for the show tonight!! :D I had a sneak peek yesterday! Right on!

  11. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Does anyone else think this guy looks like Ted Bundy?

  12. Anonymous Anonymous 

    maybe a sexy ted bundy

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  • I'm one of four Young Guns
  • From E-Ville, Canada
  • I don't like being told what to do.
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