Thanks to everyone who came out to Chimprov last night to see The Fangles and, of course, The Young Guns! We appreciate your support and your patience outside while we got the theatre prepped. We had a blast doing our new writing meets improv format and below you will find the stuff we came up with last night during the show that inspired our scenes. Keep a look out for the next Young Guns show, we will post it on here so make sure you check back and mark it down!
Joey –
Shit shit shit shit shit shit
I can’t think of what to say.
Still can’t think of what to say.
Technically it is the A.M.’s and for anyone who reads the Young Guns Blog you might know I write best, or at all in the A.M.s so why can’t I think of anything now?
But I gotta keep writing, I have to got to keep going, I’ll be inspired sometime, something has got to come.
But I can’t wait for it… Time spent not typing is time wasted. Shit, I should have written a poem or something. I could have come up with some witty dialogue, or the intro to a story but I couldn’t think of anything… Nothing.
Nothing came. It never came. Nothing ever comes.
Arlen –
By the time you read this. I will be dead. I guess I just couldn’t handle the pain anymore. The pain of being a sub par actor finally caught up with me and now I just long for the sweet release that death will bring. I watch the acting greats, Perry, Allen, etc. in their classics like Serving Sara or The Shaggy Dog and I think I’ll never be that. I’ll never ever be the Shaggy Dog. Some will say I gave up too easily, but hey fuck that, I'll be dead!
Jules –
School will be tough, but never give up
Some teachers will suck, even if they have a number 1 teacher cup
Classes will be boring, and you’ll have lots of homework
No matter how many cokes you buy or even a big turk
But once you finish all 12 of those years
You’ll be allowed, nah expected, to shed a few tears
You’ll laugh at those with jobs, you’ll say oh what a fool
Until you realize you have 4 more years of over priced school
Joey –
Prince Humphery had everything a boy could ever want.
He had horses to ride across his land. He had jesters to amuse him. He had a mother who loved him very much.
Yes, he had everything.
Everything except a father.
For you see when Humphery was very young his father, the king, went off to lead his troops in battle, but he never returned.
Days turned to weeks and weeks to months and still no word ever came about his father. Long after the war was over still no word came.
Well, time passed, and Humphery’s hopes turned to fancies, he became interested in girls and soon forgot completely about his father, the king.
Until one day on one of this nightly skirt-chases a man stopped him in an alley way and told him a secret.
Arlen –
Raoul: I don’t think I can do it anymore, things are really going to shit
Jerry: well what’s happening?
R: things just keep getting worse…plus I think she’s sleeping with someone else
J: oh man….that….that sucks…..*blushing emoticon*
R: what?
J: what?
R: what was that blushing emoitcon?
J: nothing…
R: ….
J:……nothing seriously stop being so paranoid
R: okay..it just seems odd is all…
J: We slept together….Jenny and I slept together alright stop interrogating me!~~~
J: *crying emoticon*
R: WTF! That’s it, we are done man…me and jenny are done…that slut!
J: yeah no doubt
R: pals before gals dude
J: foreversies~
R: *kissing emoticon
Jules –
Sometime there are things you don’t want to tell someone, but you know you have to. Its that feeling that you have something to do, but your resisting it to the bitter end, all the while making it even worse for yourself.
Their comes a time in your life that you figure out its better to just get it over with even if it means the world will come crumbling down all around the other person. It will feel like their heart has been pierced by the arrows that are your words.
Once you deliver the news, or fire that proverbial arrow, it becomes their problem. The second it leaves the bow that is your mouth, and lodges itself deep inside their innards…. Their love struck, and emotionally crippled innards….
You’re home free. You’re home free.