Four Young Men... Four Young Minds... For Young Ladies...

Gnarls Barkley Changed My Life


What Up!?

I was able to download a leaked version of a new CD (But I swear to buy a copy when it comes out) which is a collaboration (or Collabo for us hip-hop fans) between the producer Danger Mouse and my favorite Rapper/Singer/Poet Cee-Lo Green who call themselves Gnarls Barkley, the album is called St. Elsewhere.

I've been waiting for this CD for over a year now when I first started hearing about it being made. When I was waiting for it to download I kept thinking it wouldn't live up to my expectations but it did...To The Extreme! This music is F'n "Punch in the Brain" Good.

This album is the next Outkast - Speakerbox/Love Below. It's this summer’s soundtrack, sounding simultaneously timeless, familiar and totally forward-thinking. I feel like I needed to tell all of you about it before it makes it huge, or "huger" than it already has. (The Song "crazy" is #1 in the UK, and is the theme song for my Chimprov troupe with Crad "Crazyname") It comes out early May so look for it, 'Cause it's going to be crazy!



All done.... FOREVER!


So, who thinks I look like Michael Moore? C'mon... just a little? I wish I had his money. That way we could make a movie as good as his.

So, yesterday I wrote my last university final, ever. And now I have to get my application stuff in order, which means I have to get reference letters, and one of them is from my work. I tutor. In fact, I am the only physics and chemistry guy at my work (it's a tutoring company in St. Albert). And the letter of reference my boss wrote for me has a whole paragraph about how I have time management issues, that I am unreliably and not punctual. Other than that it's pretty good. But seriously, who puts that in a reference letter? Especially considering it was in reading the letter that I first heard about these issues. But what's a guy to do, I talk to him about it and he stands by his letter, claiming that it is a good thing to include areas that someone needs to work on in a reference letter, it apparently makes the letter more genuine. And I can't not submit it, it is the letter from my current employer, if I don't include it, it would only make things worse, because it would seem like I've got something to hide. Man, this sucks, I'm damned if I do and I'm damned if I don't, and I KNOW I would make an awesome teacher, if I was given the chance, but with a letter of reference that says I'm not reliable and late all the time (which, is news to me), and thousands of applications from other teacher hopefuls, it is unlikely I will even get an interview.

Sigh... someone what to give me a job? I'm really good, and I promise I will not be late, ever.

Oh well, in the words of my hero: Shania Twain, "Up, up, up I can only go up from here."

Oh Shania, you're always there for me. Man, I feel like woman!


I Caught You Trying To Hide Your Smile Behind Your Glass



Yeah! You! The one reading this! What's up?

So I'm heading out tomorrow for a week on a cross country audition tour! And by cross country I mean Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. It should be fun, however I will miss improv this weekend which makes me sad in the pants.

Work on the Young Guns movie is hella stressful. For anyone who thinks comedy is all fun and games let me tell is....but money on the other hand...or more importantly...the lack of not fun and most certainly not a game. Anyone have $5000 they wanna lend us? Also, if anyone is interested in late May we will be looking for some extras for some scenes in the movie. We'll keep you posted but it would be great to have some people willing to help us out. We promise....hmm snacks and good times...maybe....? :)

And now, I'm off to finish packing for tomorrow then go rock out to the music of Death Cab For Cutie and Franz Ferdinand!

Talk to you all in a week or so! I love you. Yes! You! The one reading this!


PS: This old Warner Bros. cartoon always freaked me out. Do you remember it? Tweety looks so damn scary. The thought of a mutated Tweety stalking me still creeps me out.

I Always Have Time To Waste More Time


Hello you,

I'm done school for this year and it feels great! Now I can concentrate on a spring class, work, Improvaganza, going to Washington D.C., the Young Guns movie, and a possible trip to New Zealand. Pfft, so nice to be free....

But I also have time to find funny websites, like this one Exploding Dog! people send in titles for a picture and then this guy draws them. Some of the pictures are very funny and make good computer wallpapers for you currently lame "picture of friends" computer background.

I think one reason I like this site is because it's a lot like improv. This guy gets a suggestion, and then makes a scene. It's also funny that some of the pictures could have nothing to do with the suggestion but we as the audience will find the connection.

Anyway I hope you enjoy it, if you know of any funny or interesting websites, post them in the comments. Then I’ll take the best ones and say I found then first!!

Cool? Cool!


Overheard and Still Underappreciated


I feel it's time for my Overheard in New York Game to come back, even though I only had 3 comments which really didn't even say anything about the game. I like it, and that's all that matters!

I found this one yesterday, it's funny, but I can make it better!

Overheard at the Central Park tennis courts

Chick #1: Is that your cell phone ringing?
Chick #2: Julie, those are birds.
(Now my part)
Chick #1: Oh... Sorry
Chick #2: No worries
Chick #1: Is THAT your cell phone ringing?!
Chick #2: Julie, that was a car honking it's horn
Chick #1: Oh...Sorry
Chick #2: Jeez...
Chick #1: Okay, was THAT your cell phone ringing?!
Chick #2: No! That was that homeless guy yelling!
Chick #2: Shut up!

Ya... Nice...


Overheard, yet Underappreciated


Hey all,

So I came across this website, Overheard in NewYork which consists of things people heard while living out their daily lives in the New York City. Very funny stuff. But as much as i like it, i always wonder what was said after the quotes. So I’ve decided to start a little game in which I will continue the quote until I feel it has reached an adequate conclusion.

So here it goes.

God Help Us All (Happy Easter! ) -Penn Station

Old man #1: Do you know why a bunny is connected to Easter?
Old man #2: No.
Old man #1: It's because Easter is about fertility and rabbits are animals that are always copulating.
Old man #2: Huh, I never heard about that.
Old man #1: Think about it. On Easter, you have the bunnies and the bunnies have eggs and the eggs have children in them.
(Now my part)
Old man #2: Do all eggs have children in them?
Old man #1: Yes, all eggs have children in them. It's a proven fact, i saw it on TLC
Old man #2: Crap, I feel horrible...
Old man #1: Why?
Old man #2: I just ate like 9 Cadbury cream eggs...what have I done... I've killed some children... I'm going to kill myself!
Old man #1: No, don't worry! Cream eggs don't ha...Wait...Kill yourself? Can I have your walking cane it you do?
Old man #2: Yes, I'm a child killer...
Old man #1: Yes you are... yes you are...

What a fun game! Look for more of this sweetness later!
Happy Easter! Kid Killers.


And here is an Easter related picture just to make this post a little colorfull!

Is Everybody Working For The Weekend?


Hey everyone!

First off, I just found out that the next Young Guns show is officially April 22nd where we will be rocking the second half of Chimprov! So clear your schedules and come on out!

Next, I want to share something with you. It's for anyone who has ever desired to witness a mash-up of the two greatest forces in history...The Young Guns...and Loverboy. Hope you like it! :)

*We took the link down because it expired but if you are still interested in seeing a video of Loverboy meets the Young Guns comment and we will hook you up!




I've been finding inspiration a lot lately. The new young guns writing/Improv mash-up has opened my brain to many other Art/Improv love children that I hope will soon grace the stage. I've also recently been able to take a few photos with a very nice camera (much nicer than my pictures deserve, as you can see by the one that is included in this post). All these great and creative things would be much more welcome if it wasn't for the fact that I’m still trying to finish the last week of school. Creative bashing, line-up-and-follow, think like us, school. That being said, I do have one teacher that gave me the opportunity to express myself in the form of a presentation on black masculinity, which I titled: "When Reconstructing Black Masculinity... Does Hip Hop Help or Hinder?". I'm also writing a ten-page paper for the same class that will consist of a lyrical analysis of Kanye West's music. Not bad.

And yet, I have lame French homework almost every night, uninteresting media and culture papers and an overly ambitious drama project which has yet to come to fruition.

One week from today will be the last day of classes before finals. If that doesn't inspire me to get all this stuff done, what will?

Chocolate. Ya.... Chocolate.

Wish me luck,


April Fools Young Guns Highlights!


Thanks to everyone who came out to Chimprov last night to see The Fangles and, of course, The Young Guns! We appreciate your support and your patience outside while we got the theatre prepped. We had a blast doing our new writing meets improv format and below you will find the stuff we came up with last night during the show that inspired our scenes. Keep a look out for the next Young Guns show, we will post it on here so make sure you check back and mark it down!


Joey –

Shit shit shit shit shit shit
I can’t think of what to say.
Still can’t think of what to say.
Technically it is the A.M.’s and for anyone who reads the Young Guns Blog you might know I write best, or at all in the A.M.s so why can’t I think of anything now?
But I gotta keep writing, I have to got to keep going, I’ll be inspired sometime, something has got to come.
But I can’t wait for it… Time spent not typing is time wasted. Shit, I should have written a poem or something. I could have come up with some witty dialogue, or the intro to a story but I couldn’t think of anything… Nothing.
Nothing came. It never came. Nothing ever comes.

Arlen –

By the time you read this. I will be dead. I guess I just couldn’t handle the pain anymore. The pain of being a sub par actor finally caught up with me and now I just long for the sweet release that death will bring. I watch the acting greats, Perry, Allen, etc. in their classics like Serving Sara or The Shaggy Dog and I think I’ll never be that. I’ll never ever be the Shaggy Dog. Some will say I gave up too easily, but hey fuck that, I'll be dead!

Jules –

School will be tough, but never give up
Some teachers will suck, even if they have a number 1 teacher cup
Classes will be boring, and you’ll have lots of homework
No matter how many cokes you buy or even a big turk

But once you finish all 12 of those years
You’ll be allowed, nah expected, to shed a few tears
You’ll laugh at those with jobs, you’ll say oh what a fool
Until you realize you have 4 more years of over priced school

Joey –

Prince Humphery had everything a boy could ever want.
He had horses to ride across his land. He had jesters to amuse him. He had a mother who loved him very much.
Yes, he had everything.
Everything except a father.
For you see when Humphery was very young his father, the king, went off to lead his troops in battle, but he never returned.
Days turned to weeks and weeks to months and still no word ever came about his father. Long after the war was over still no word came.
Well, time passed, and Humphery’s hopes turned to fancies, he became interested in girls and soon forgot completely about his father, the king.

Until one day on one of this nightly skirt-chases a man stopped him in an alley way and told him a secret.

Arlen –

Raoul: I don’t think I can do it anymore, things are really going to shit

Jerry: well what’s happening?

R: things just keep getting worse…plus I think she’s sleeping with someone else

J: oh man….that….that sucks…..*blushing emoticon*

R: what?

J: what?

R: what was that blushing emoitcon?

J: nothing…

R: ….

J:……nothing seriously stop being so paranoid

R: just seems odd is all…

J: We slept together….Jenny and I slept together alright stop interrogating me!~~~


J: *crying emoticon*

R: WTF! That’s it, we are done man…me and jenny are done…that slut!

J: yeah no doubt

R: pals before gals dude

J: foreversies~

R: *kissing emoticon

Jules –

Sometime there are things you don’t want to tell someone, but you know you have to. Its that feeling that you have something to do, but your resisting it to the bitter end, all the while making it even worse for yourself.
Their comes a time in your life that you figure out its better to just get it over with even if it means the world will come crumbling down all around the other person. It will feel like their heart has been pierced by the arrows that are your words.
Once you deliver the news, or fire that proverbial arrow, it becomes their problem. The second it leaves the bow that is your mouth, and lodges itself deep inside their innards…. Their love struck, and emotionally crippled innards….
You’re home free. You’re home free.

About me

  • I'm one of four Young Guns
  • From E-Ville, Canada
  • I don't like being told what to do.
  • My profile

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