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Another review!

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We got another review this time from the Toronto Sun. Here it is:



Truly great improvised comedy makes you wonder if the players are really spinning this stuff out of thin air, or if they've got cheat sheets stashed up their sleeves. But Edmonton improv wunderkinds Kevin Gillese and Arlen Konopaki are the real deal, and their ability to conjure laughter from the thinnest of premises is comedy voodoo. It's never the same show twice, naturally, but even on a night when not all their cylinders are firing, there are more laughs per minute here than in most scripted Fringe comedies. And when they're truly on their game, watch out. Hospitalization-worthy hilarity. -- Steve Tilley

Our house on Saturday was about 3/4 full, so hopefully word of mouth will continue to grow and push our audience to new heights. Our next show is today at 4:45, wish us luck!


4 Responses to “Another review!”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Hey Arlen,

    The rest of us are doing stuff too, alright! God. I'm so sick of you always doing stuff and then saying it and things. Fuck off.

    I did tons today. I took a nap. Ate some wings. I...well up--shit!


  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Joey? I miss you.

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 


    You'll never know who I am Arlen. Hooohahahahaha--cough, fuck--hahahaha. Ha!

    That laughter you hear in the dark? It's me. The bead of sweat on your brow? Me too. The guy from those ING Direct commercials? Me motherfucker!



  4. Anonymous Anonymous 

    So can ING direct really save me money?

    I want to believe the hype, but really?

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  • I'm one of four Young Guns
  • From E-Ville, Canada
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