Four Young Men... Four Young Minds... For Young Ladies...

Start Spreading The News...


So you know the January 6th Young Guns show? Okay, well if you didn't before, you know now. And why should you know? Well, it marks the return of the 4th Young Gun:Steve Kent. But here is the deal: I am going to be in Palm Springs, so it would be Arlen, Jules (probably carrying all the weight) and Steve (whom we all refer to, lovingly, as hack).

But that was then. I was like "You know what? No! I have the chance to do something really great here, I'm not letting this opportunity slip past me, I'm a Young Gun dammit!" So I said "NO!" to warm weather, I said "NO!" to scantily clad hotties and I said "NO!" to an awkward trip with Laura's parents so that I could say "YES!" to destiny.

So start marking your calendars, gathering your friends and preparing your sides for splitting. Because on January 6th the planets will align and all 4 original Young Guns will be on stage (for the last time ever?!) so you DON'T WANT TO MISS IT.


Winter Wonderland


Inspired by the post below, I figured I might as well post a pic of me with Santa when I was a kid. Here it is:


Merry Ho Ho!


With love from the Young Guns!

Something Different...


I know this isn't the usual Young Guns stuff, there won't be any talk of improv shows or upcoming pluggery, so if that is what you came for, well... sorry. Wow... I couldn't come up with anything witty, I'm usually good at that. Well, I laugh. At myself.

Okay... So you know the movie Garden State, when Zack Braff is talking with Natalie Portman in the pool about the concept of "home"? Yeah... That's me. I had a home for a very long time, it was with my parents. Then I successfully transitioned into a two-bedroom apartment with a good friend that after a little bit felt like home. Then it was a one-bedroom apartment with a girlfriend that definitely felt like home. But now that is gone. Well the apartment is still there, but the feeling is gone. So I find myself back at my parents (Christmas visiting) although I feel a bit like a refugee, trying to seek shelter, trying to find warmth and safety and comfort, because my house, that used to be my home, doesn't provide those things anymore. But neither does my parents' house. This isn't my home anymore. So here I find myself with more than one roof I could live under but neither feel right. Do I have a right to complain? No, because as stated in the previous sentence I have two roofs I could sleep under, which is twice more than a lot of people in this world. So this isn't a rant about how much life sucks or whatever, this is me needing a forum, needing to lay out a bit of what is going on with me in the hopes that this will perhaps provide some insight. So yeah... there you have it.

Merry Christmas everyone! (Just so you know there was a tone shift between that last paragraph and this seasons greetings, so don't read it sarcastically or laced with any depression subtext, I can assure you that I do not throw my "Merry Christmases" around lightly and this one was delivered quite genuinely.)


Last Night...


Oh man... that sure was fun.
For those who missed last night's CHiMPROV you sure did miss something special. Picture a regular old Young Guns show, then kick it up a notch as we were riding high on an energy wave (due to it being our second last Young Guns show for a loooooong time), then add a touch of Jackass. Arlen, would you help these people visualize by posting a pic of your back?

Oh but we had fun... I tried to kill the Hardy Boys and I started something that Jules finished... hard... with a running jump. There were breakups, dead grandmas, a cat lady, a trip to Lady Footlocker, a bad divorce and an emo party I think we can all relate to along with many more gems.

What did you guys think of the show and of the fishbowl form?



To be honest I can hardly remember a lot of the scenes we did. I just felt bad about hitting Arlen so hard. I didn't realize my hand was made of sharp glass with bits of razor blade in it. In hindsight, which is always 20/20, that running jump was unnecessary, although i guess it looked cool.

From what I understand, no internal injuries were suffered... with the exception of my broken heart.... I'm a monster!



Hey! Arlen here. I just got out of intensive care. Just kidding. I am fine if not a little sore. Jules doesn't need to feel bad because while the pain was excruciating, I had a really, really fun time doing the show and was really proud of us Young Guns. I thought that the show last night was the best Young Guns show of the season thus far and I hope to top it with our last show in February.

Thank you to everyone who came to see the show. We appreciate the support greatly. Below are the pictures of my back, wounded by the amazingly powerful slap Julian gave me on the bare back. I was lashed!

It's been a while...


So my fellow guns have been gently reminding me that it has been over a month since I've updated the blog, and this might be true, to be honest I don't have the time to go back through the archives to confirm this or not, and it is this lack of time that is responsible for my lack of blog-updating. Wow, how's that for a run-on sentence? Comma-splice city!

Anyway, as I'm sure the most of you know, we will be losing another member of the Young Guns very soon. Following in the footsteps of the greatest hack of all time, Stephen Kent, Julian Faid is pulling the old "I'm going to New Zealand for school" line and will be leaving quite soon, at least soon in my books anyway. The point is, you don't have many opportunities to see Jules or the Young Guns together as three for very much longer. This is why it is important that you come to CHiMPROV tonight. It isn't a Young Guns show, rather an ensemble one, but you know we'll be there and that our Young Gunness will shine through. But if you can't make it tonight you have NO EXCUSE for next Saturday, Dec. 9th. It COULD be our LAST YG show forever... Most likely it would be our second or third last, but are you willing to take those chances? I didn't think so, that's why you are going to get all your bffs together and call 448-0695 for reservations, cause you don't want to miss CHiMP on the 9th.

Alright, I think this counts as blog update. BTW, anyone who say TheatreSports last night, please comment, I am interested in what you think. We've been trying to shake up the show a bit to make it better, I want to know if you think it is working...



About me

  • I'm one of four Young Guns
  • From E-Ville, Canada
  • I don't like being told what to do.
  • My profile

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