Change Change Change...
Published Thursday, January 25, 2007 by one of four Young Guns | E-mail this post
So much going on. So much that is new. So much that is unexpected.
First, you know that job that I hate, and you've listened to me complain about since last March. The one with the asshole boss who wrote me a shitty reference letter and said that he would only write me a better one if I agreed to stay there longer and sign a contract. Yeah, well I quit that. As of Tuesday at 8:00PM I was free. And that immediate freedom came hand in hand with uncertainty. I have no idea where next months rent will come from. Or the month after that. It's kind of scarifying (my new word for scary and terrifying) but it is also kind of exciteresting (exciting + interesting). Exciting because quitting there was the next step towards getting a teaching position (I couldn't do both because of time constraints) and interesting because until that happens I am going to have to find a new way to make it by. I am hoping that substitute work will come my way, but if not, improv will have to cut it. And for those of you who didn't know before, improv doesn't pay much. Most times it pays nothing at all. So we'll see how this pans out.
Best of luck to you Joe. If I hear of anything, I will send the info your way. That includes taste-testing competitions :D
I love you joe.