Four Young Men... Four Young Minds... For Young Ladies...

The Young Guns Save The World

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Thanks to Samantha for the picture!


14 Responses to “The Young Guns Save The World”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Aren't The Young Guns a defunct proposition?

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Joey should blog something... <3

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Why me? Arlen does nothing around here...

    But fine... well... I ask you (all) what should I blog about?

    You have one day or else I will blog about Chem 30 and Phys 30 diploma reviews.

  4. Anonymous Anonymous 

    How about violence on tv?
    How do you feel it influences the youth
    of today?

  5. Anonymous Anonymous 

    You should blog about the importance of personal hygeine, and its relation to the meeting of the ladies, or in the case of bad personal hygeine, its lack of meeting the ladies.

  6. Anonymous Anonymous 

    hahahaha well we know what end your on there P.diddly

  7. Anonymous Anonymous 

    you should blog about dreams.

    dreams are always interesting.

  8. Anonymous Anonymous 

    You should blog about why Steve is holding Arlen in such a manner in this photo.

  9. Anonymous Anonymous 

    One day has passed... you fail Joey, you fail.
    With Great power comes?
    (shakes head in disapproval)
    Damn you for having a life.
    it's okay I forgive you, after all
    bring me much laughter Saturday after Saturday...ect.
    Now get writng young grasshopper. :)

  10. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Forgive me, work went longer than usual, then the Colbert report was funny. Then I forgot, then I was eating those mini carrot things. Then I remembered...

  11. Anonymous Anonymous 

    that's what reminded you?
    I read it and I offically LOVE YOU.
    You took some really random crap
    and made a decent blog out of it!
    Smell that? Love is in the air-uh kinda.

  12. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Yay I love those mini carrots!!!!! they're so much better then the regular size carrots also they taste really good with ranch dressing yumm. sorry for ummm well bitching or naging or whatever the cool cats are saying these days! I hope you accept my apology and I shall be at chimprov this weekend.

    -thnx Joey!
    Now im craving mini carrots and must immediately have some remembering not to forget the ranch dressing!

  13. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Might I suggest an altenative to the classic dip of Ranch... Creamy Cucumber. Delish!

  14. Anonymous Anonymous 

    That's it! This lame conversation proves The Young Guns ARE a defunct proposition. They couldn't meet the ladies with good or bad hygiene.

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  • I'm one of four Young Guns
  • From E-Ville, Canada
  • I don't like being told what to do.
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